🥰Ice Cream🥰

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I thought up of this thing like ten minutes ago so let's do it. And in this chapter, Atsu will be a

 And in this chapter, Atsu will be aGirl

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Atsushi pov

It's been about a year since you and Kunikida-san have been seeing each other." Kyoka-chan said disapprovingly as she watched me toss aside outfits and put them together to find the perfect on

"And yet you still can't decide on an outfit to go on a simple date with him." She sighed. "For goodness sake!" She almost yelled when I tossed aside the outfit I was highly considering choosing. "You two are getting ice cream it's not your wedding!"

"Kyoka-chan please, I know it's just a simple ice cream date but I just want to look pretty for him, that's all."

She shook her head and thrust a casual looking outfit in my hands.

"Now go! Five minutes!" I glance back at her once I have it fully on.
"Five minutes left?"

"No!" She said in disbelief. "You were supposed to meet him nearly five minutes ago!"


In a blur of colors, faces and scents, I run at top speed to our regular meeting place, the river where he found me.

Finally I see Kunikida-san, and I slow down at just the right time. Any earlier and I would've knocked him over.
"Ku. . . Kunikida-san. . . Sorry. . ." I panted, hunched over in front of him trying to catch my breath. "So. . . Sorry . . ."

I feel his warm hand on the back of my head and heard his voice. "For goodness sake catch a breath."

I finally catch my breath and quiet down before asking him. "Did you wait long?" He shakes his head. "No, not long, also, I like your outfit." I smile.
"Thank you! Kyoka-chan chose it out for me."

"Is that why you were late?" He questions. I look away from him out of embarrassment. "I guess so."
He can probably sense my embarrassment so he changes the subject. "So which ice cream place should we go to?"

"I'm pretty sure a new place opened up nearby." I say, glancing at my phone. "We should go there." He smile and nods,


"Wow! This place looks awesome!" I say looking inside through the window. "The reviews are great too! Not a single rating below four stars."

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