💔🥰💕For Tonight, We'll Play Pretend💕🥰💔

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This is based off of a fic I found on ao3.
Here's the link to it if you're interested.

Please don't question the ship regarding it, actually just don't read it, for ur sake and mine.


Also, I don't know if you noticed the heartbroken emojis in the title, well after looking back on the story I realized that the beginning was kinda angsty, but if you're observant, you'd also notice that the pink heart emojis are closer to the text, meaning that it's mostly light smut and the fluff emoji is in the middle.

I may use this pattern again but for now, idk. 😐

Let's get started!

Kunikida pov

It's been a year.

A year since I've last seen him.

The last time I was with him, it was a quiet evening.
We were taking a long shower together. I was happy because he didn't get as embarrassed compared to before.
We had been dating for three years, and on our three-year anniversary, I proposed to him and we got married. That day of the wedding was exactly a year ago, and we had spent the whole day together in celebration of our marriage.

After the shower, we had snuggled into bed, cuddling like we usually did.
Most of our nights together were the same, after the shower, he would usually fall asleep right away.

But that night he surprised me when I saw the glow of his sunset-colored eyes flash through the darkness. (This is true, his eyes actually glow in the dark like, hashigiri wtf-)

It was surprising that he was still awake, it had been over an hour since we settled in. although he also seemed surprised that I was still awake.
He silently snuggled into my chest and stayed there for a few seconds before looking back up at me and quietly whispering words to me so softly I almost didn't hear it.

"I love you, a lot. Thank you for all you've done for me." I gripped onto his waist pulling him closer to me.
"I should be the one thanking you."

"Should you, though?" I would've answered but I couldn't. It was already so late I drifted away into a quiet slumber.

And in the morning, he was gone.

He wasn't usually the first one up in the mornings, I had just assumed that he took it as an opportunity to make breakfast for me. But he wasn't in the house.

So I got dressed early and I went over to Dazai's apartment. It wouldn't have be unusual for him to visit Dazai in the mornings to make sure he hadn't killed himself yet.
He wasn't there.

I went to the apartment that Kyoka no longer shared with him. Kyoka was one of his closest friends, it wouldn't have surprise me if he had visited her.
He wasn't there.

After visiting everyone in the Agency's home, I went into a panic.
When Dazai heard that Atsushi was missing, he tagged along to help me find him, so did Kyoka.

After searching all of Yokohama in one morning,

At exactly 11:34 am, 2/14/12,

Atsushi Nakajima was reported missing to the authorities

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