ch. 12 Ambush

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Error was busy knitting in the antivoid when he felt a ping in his soul. Ink created another AU. Again. And so, Error opened a portal to the said AU. Only to meet a bunch of Sanses and papyruses, ready to fight.

And in the middle was Ink, smirking.


"ധᕦ⎜⎜ $𝖍Ø七–"

Error was then attacked by the said papyruses and sanses. He dodged, summoned blasters and defended himself.

This was gonna take a while...

Moon was writing for her book about constellations when she felt fear radiating off of Error. Error was in danger. Immediately, Moon changed into her corrupted form, opened a portal to where Error was, and walked through the said portal.

Error was having a hard time dodging all the attacks. "Just give up, Error!" Ink shouted. Error just glared. Ink sighed.

"Mob, now!" (This is inspired by a one-shot where Error basically became an item for a museum. This one-shot scares me to this day)

Error turned, and there was mob with a gun in hand. He shoots...

But luckily for Error, Moon made it in time, using her tendrils as a sheild. The tranquil shot fell to the floor. Moon picked it up gently and put it in her inventory. She then made a scary face, similar to Original! Nightmare's look when he's pi**ed.

"How DARE you try to harm him!" She shouted in anger. Many cowered in fear, but few stood their ground. Ink was one of them. "Attack!" He shouted.

This was bad in Ink's eyes, they only created one bullet, and that one took years to make, they can't make another one. So all they could do was attack Terror and Error.

Moon turned to Error. She had a plan. "Error, do you care about me?" Error was quiet, before saying. "Honestly, I do," "Do you trust me?" Error nodded. "Then, please, take my hand, and think of all the memories we spent together..." Error hesitated, but slowly took Moon's hand. He didn't glitch out! Was it because the goop covered her actually body?

Error thought of the times he spent with Moon. (I'll make these scenarios later) Learning how to play the guitar together, looking at the stars, Stealing chocolate...

Suddenly, there was a glow, and all the Sanses and papyruses that charged was blown away. Moon and Error floated up in the air, holding hands. They then felt as if they were one...

Ink immediately knew what was going on. Soul fusion. He looked up in fear. "Run..." Dream looked at Ink like he was crazy. "What?! But we're so close--" "Their doing soul fusion!" Everyone heard that and looked at Ink in shock.


"But that's impossible!"

"That means, they really care for one another...?"

(Note: This is based off of the Ping Undertale AU meme where Ink, Error, and Dream fuse. But instead, i edited it to be similar to gem fusion from Steven universe, where you have to have a relationship to fuse)

The glow stopped, and a new skeleton landed onto the ground. They were at least 6ft 5 inches, with eyelights that shone indigo. Grey bones, and 4 arms with 2 pairs of eyes. They wore a White crop top with a lavender jacket, along with Black pants. They had purple strings coming down out of their eye sockets.

"All right!" They shouted in happiness. They then paused. "Wait, who am I know? I feel like Moon knows this..." The Sanses and Papyruses charged, not listening to ink's orders. A Swapfell Papyrus tried to hit them with a bone, but they simply dodged.

"Destruction, and Negativity...I know! Chaos!" Know known as Chaos, they summoned a whip filled with negativity. They then charged and attacked anyone that went their way. They tied up a bunch of skeletons, sucked the magic out of them, and threw them to the side, making them stronger.

"What are you idiots doing?! Run!" Ink shouted as he opened a portal, but was grabbed my Chaos with their whip. Then threw him to the ground, and proceed to grab him by the legs, swung him around, and threw him in a random direction. "HA! Coward!" Chaos laughed. They then turned to Dream, who charged with a sword.

Dream tried to slice, but Chaos dodged and grabbed Dream using the whip. The magic was drained out of Dream, who fainted. Chaos dropped him to the ground. All the sanses and papyruses either fled or was knocked out.

Chaos unfused. Error fell butt-first to the ground, while Moon maintained their balance. "That...was...AWESOME!" Moon jumped up and down like a little kid in excitement, while Error just sighed and smiled. "Yeah, it was..." he then got up. And to Moon's surprise...

Error hugged her. Moon's eye sockets widen.

Error sighed in happiness. He could finally touch someone without glitching out (I have a headcanon where error wished to be touched, but can only fell pain when touched. So he's gonna end up hugging moon a lot)

Moon hugged back, and smiled. They stayed like that for a while before they let go of each other. "Well, I have to go, stay safe, Error, cause people care about you, okay?" Error nodded. Moon and Error went their separate ways.

As soon as Error made it into the antivoid, He became a screaming, blushing mess. Something about Moon, charms him...her smile, her purity form (White non goop form) her lavender eyelights.

Error then realized.

He was in love. 

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