ch. 8 Error

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"Get back here!" Ink shouted as he tried to splash Moon with pink paint. However, she quickly dodged and summoned a bone to hit Ink with it.

Meanwhile, Cross stayed in the castle, while the rest of the boys went with Moon to spread negativity.

Moon was getting weaker due to the positivity of Dream, he was giving out an aura to the people. Moon had to get out of there, and fast.

And so, Moon opened a portal and told the boys to go inside. "Guys, hurry!" And so, the boys went in with no hesitation.

Moon smiled at them, and closed the portal. They then realized that Moon was gonna fight Ink and Dream alone. They knew there was no way they were gonna get her to stop, so all they could do was worry.

Moon grabbed Ink by the tendril and sucked the magic out if him, Ink then fainted, leaving only Dream.

Dream glared at Moon. "Give me my brother back!" He shouted as he charged with a sword in hand. However, he ended up getting wrapped up by Moon's tendrils, and he fainted.

(Note: unlike Canon, Dream won't Melt if touched by Moon due to moon's soul)

Moon sighed in relief as she tied the boys up. She then opened a portal to her home, but was then tied up with blue strings. The portal closed, and Moon was dragged into a glitch portal.

Moon was in the air, upside down. She looked around and saw only white with red souls being hung by blue string.

"ℋᕦ⎜⎜Ø, ဌՍƋ𝜞ⅆⅰƋ∩," a glitch voice was heard. Moon looked over to where the voice was heard. And there she saw him. Error, the destroyer of worlds.  Her eyelights sparkled. "So pretty..." She said, making error blush.

"ധ𝖍Ƌ七?!" Error shouted, then crashed. Uh oh...

5 minutes later, he rebooted.

"$Ø 𝚈ØՍ'𝜞ᕦ 𝜞𝖍ᕦ ဌՍƋ𝜞ⅆⅰƋ∩ Øẝ
∩ᕦဌƋ七ⅰ🜄ⅰ七𝚈, Ƌ𝜞ᕦ 𝚈ØՍ ∩Ø七? ⅰ ⲰƋ∩七 七Ø നƋꗪᕦ Ƌ ⅆᕦƋ⎜ Ⲱⅰ七𝖍 𝚈ØՍ..."

Error explained that he needed help with fighting ink, so he wanted to team up with Moon. Of course, Moon agreed.

"Of course! Also, if you need a place to stay, you can always come over to Hopetale, an altered Killertale, alright?"

Error agreed and sent Moon back home.

Immediately, the boys rushed over to Moon, asking if she's alright. Moon hushed them, saying she meet an ally that wants to help them as long as they help him.

They were very happy to hear that.

Meanwhile, Ink woke up. He realized he was tied up. He summoned a sharp bone and cut the rope. Dream woke up nit long after.

"We need more allies, Ink," Dream said as he got up. "How about we team up with some aus?" Dream offered.

And so, the council was created. They teamed up with many papyruses and sanses from different original AUs. They now had many allies.

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