Lonely Christmas part 2

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Felix x Straykids

Tw: hints at depression

Short recap:

Hyunjin frowned. He knew Felix was lying. Why was he lying? What happened that he wanted to keep a secret so bad?

The following days Felix mood didn't change. He was stuck in his endless loop of sadness, anger and regret. The Australian wasn't himself at all. He acted like the opposite of his usual self. Felix was quiet and distant. No one really noticed due to little time together so Felix sadness just grew bigger. All he needed was someone who would listen to him. But on the other hand he didn't want anyone to worry so he just kept on going until it was too much...

Felix Pov's:

I stared at the mirror. The reflection it gave me would scare me if I didn't know who did that to him. A boy much like my age stared at me. His eyes were tired and dull. No spark of life in sight. The boy's face was slim and looked too pale to be real. I would think he was a poor boy if it wasn't actually me.

Sighing in hopped in the shower in a wish to wash off all the sadness. I am tired. Tired of sadness. I thought this would go over soon? Maybe it would stick with me forever. Maybe the sadness was now a part of me.

I used Minho's shampoo. The smell of it always gave me some sort of comfort in hard times. Now that I think of it... I miss the others. We barely see each other. JYP had strict instructions for us and most of us were slit up. It seemed like everyone was in pairs except me. Chan, Changbin and Jisung were in one, then there were Minho and Seungmin, and finally there Jeongin and Hyunjin. I somehow managed to end alone.

Today was actually the last day of recording. I don't know if I should feel happy about it or sad. I liked the distraction and welcomed all kinds of extra training. It's not like I want to runaway from my problems but somehow i still do.

My next recording session is at 3pm so that left me two more hours of waiting. Perhaps I should go out and get something to eat. No one was here to cook and I am way too lazy to do that now anyways.

After dressing up, I made my way to a local ramen shop that also served dumplings. I have been craving them like crazy so today was the day.

The restaurant was small but cozy. There were only two people working and I instantly felt myself drawn to it by the smell that came from the inside. An older lady served another guest and she somehow resembled my grandma.

"Good afternoon sir!" The nice lady greeted me.

I gave her a small smile. "Hello! Can i order takeaway here?"

"Oh no I'm sorry we don't do that here but feel free to sit down and order!" She answered.

I shrugged. Might as well eat here when there is no one home. I sat down and glanced at the menu. They had lots of food and now that I am here I could order a bit of everything. So I ordered dumplings, soup and some rice for it. I even tried their kimchi and honestly it was great. The last days I haven't gotten myself to eat a proper meal and I could almost cry now that I ate this food.

The older lady smiled at me again. "Do you enjoy the food?"

"Oh yes! It felt like a million years ago that I ate something quite that good!" I complimented.

She walked off and soon came back with another bowl. I was about to say I didn't order that but her look told me she wouldn't take an no for an answer.

"You look a little starved, so here is another bowl of soup! Eat up and stay happy, young man!" She demanded and shoved the bowl towards me.

I looked at the clock and noticed i have half an hour to get to the Studio. Because of the good service and food I tipped extra much. That lady deserved all the extra money after all. Walking out the restaurant I turned around again.

Straykids Oneshots part 2Where stories live. Discover now