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Felix x Straykids

Tw: as it says fighting

As the sun set over Seoul, tension hung thick in the air at the Stray Kids' dorm. Felix, usually known for his easygoing nature, was unusually quiet and withdrawn. The other members noticed the change in his demeanor and tried to ask him what was wrong, but Felix brushed them off, keeping to himself.

However, as the day went on, Felix's frustration grew. He felt ignored and dismissed during the group's practice session, and his ideas were brushed aside without consideration. It all came to a boiling point during a heated argument about a new song they were working on. Felix felt like his opinions were not valued, and the disagreement escalated quickly into a full-blown fight.

"Enough!" Felix yelled, his voice cracking with emotion. "I'm tired of not being heard! Maybe I should just leave Stray Kids!"

The room fell silent as the members stared at Felix, shocked by his outburst. Felix, breathing heavily, turned and stormed out of the dorm, slamming the door behind him.

As soon as the door closed, the other members realized the gravity of the situation. They had let Felix down, and their fight had pushed him to the breaking point. They felt guilty for not listening to him and for letting the argument get out of hand.
Chan, the leader of Stray Kids, immediately took charge.

"We have to find Felix," he said urgently. "We can't let him be alone right now."

The members quickly put aside their differences and set out to search for Felix. They combed the streets of Seoul, checking Felix's usual hangout spots, but he was nowhere to be found. Panic started to set in as they realized Felix could be in danger.

After hours of searching, the members finally received a tip from a fan who had seen Felix at a park on the outskirts of the city. They rushed there and found Felix lying unconscious on a bench, looking pale and exhausted.

"Felix!" Jisung cried out, rushing to his side.

The other members followed suit, surrounding Felix with worried expressions. Chan checked Felix's pulse and breathed a sigh of relief when he found it steady but weak.

They quickly took Felix to the hospital, where he was diagnosed with exhaustion and dehydration. The members took turns staying by his side, feeling guilty and regretful for their actions. They knew they had to make things right.

After several hours, Felix finally stirred awake, blinking blearily at the concerned faces of his bandmates.

"Felix, we're so sorry," Chan said earnestly, tears forming in his eyes. "We were wrong not to listen to you. We took you for granted, and we let our differences get in the way. Please forgive us."

The other members chimed in, apologizing and expressing their regret for their actions. Felix listened quietly, his heart swelling with mixed emotions. He had been hurt by their actions, but he also missed them deeply. They were like family to him.

With a small smile, Felix forgave them. "I forgive you," he said softly. "But let's promise to always listen to each other and respect each other's opinions from now on."

The members nodded vigorously, tears of relief streaming down their faces. They hugged Felix tightly, promising to do better in the future. Felix felt warmth flood his heart as he realized that they truly cared for him.

From that day on, Stray Kids became even closer. They learned to communicate better, and Felix felt heard and valued as a member of the group. Their bond grew stronger, and they became more successful than ever before.

As Felix sat on the rooftop of their dorm, looking at the city lights, he smiled to himself. He was grateful for his bandmates and the journey they had been through. It wasn't  long before Chan joined him on the rooftop, sitting down beside him with a soft smile.

"You doing okay, Felix?" Chan asked, his voice filled with genuine concern.

Felix nodded, his smile widening. "Yeah, I'm doing great. Thanks for asking, hyung."

Chan patted Felix's back, and they sat in companionable silence, enjoying the view of the city together. The night breeze was cool against their skin, but Felix felt warmth in his heart. He was grateful for his friends, for their apology, and for the opportunity to forgive and move forward.

The next day, the members of Stray Kids held a special meeting to discuss their communication and teamwork. They made a pact to always listen to each other, to respect each other's opinions, and to resolve conflicts in a healthier way. They also vowed to take care of each other, to recognize when one of them was struggling, and to support each other through thick and thin.

As time went on, Felix felt a renewed sense of belonging within Stray Kids. The bond between the members grew stronger, and their music flourished as a result. They poured their hearts and souls into their performances, and their fans could feel the genuine connection they shared on stage. Felix also learned to speak up and share his ideas with confidence, knowing that his opinions were valued by his bandmates. He felt a sense of empowerment and fulfillment as he contributed to their music and creative process.

Months passed, and Stray Kids achieved new heights of success. They won awards, topped charts, and gained a massive following of fans from all over the world. But more importantly, they were happier and closer than ever before.

One day, during a fan meet-and-greet event, a fan asked Felix about the incident with the fight and his subsequent absence. Felix took a deep breath and smiled.

"It was a difficult time for us, but it made us stronger," he said. "We learned the importance of communication and forgiveness. I'm grateful for my bandmates, and I'm proud to be a part of Stray Kids."

The members nodded in agreement, their eyes filled with pride and gratitude. They had come a long way since that fateful day when Felix had run away, and they were grateful for the lessons they had learned and the unbreakable bond they now shared.

As the fan meet-and-greet event ended, Felix looked around at his bandmates and felt a surge of warmth in his heart. He knew that they were not just a group of talented musicians, but a family who had gone through thick and thin together.

With renewed determination, Felix looked forward to the future, knowing that no matter what challenges they faced, they would overcome them together, as one united Stray Kids. And Felix was grateful to have found his place among them, where he felt heard, valued, and loved.

Authors note: I don't have much to say today! Just stay safe and don't forget to hydrate.

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