Pink Room

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I used to believe in fairy's
Nowadays I don't even believe in myself

I miss my old room with pinks wall and Barbie's scattered across the floor
I miss my ponytail and my unicorn shoes
I miss my wand that was a stick I found near the creek

Now I just care about lipgloss and mascara
I care about boys and grades
I'm closer to being 20 than I am 10

I miss my pink room and it's Barbie dolls
I miss flowers in my hair
I miss playing on the playground and playing tag
I miss Santa

When did my morals change and I started to loathe the life I lived? Why did I get so caught up in being perfect? I used to never want to be perfect

I miss my pink room with its stuffed animals
I miss play dates
I miss popsicles in the summer
I miss trying to catch fire flys
I miss myself

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