A Fresh New Start (07/28/1967)

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Just another day, as usual. Nothing much to really think about through your mind, just do your jobs and talk to your friends. There isn't much you can do or say when you're an engine with a face, now is there? Just argue about who looks best in pulling passenger trains, why some others are old and out of date, saying how little tank engines are nothing more but common shunters in the yard, or despising goods work. Being stuck on the rails isn't always fun. Some people wish they could leave the places they call home and be able to do wacky things like go adventuring the ocean or being able to fly. Others wish they can change how they look, act, be treated the way they want to be, or even get back at others for petty little squabbles. But sometimes, it's better to just stay where you are and be yourself. Trying to change for the better and beg for small, useless things can get yourself into a situation worse than you can imagine...

At a big station with a works shed, a little green tank engine was waiting to be fired up. He was bubbling with excitement, waiting to start his new life on his new railway, on his new home, with his faithful coach and brakevan. He remembered his daring escape from the fiery pits that were the scrapyards on the mainland, and it was special thanks to one his first few and newest friends he had made on the island. The men were still fixing him up and giving a fresh new coat of paint. The engine was painted green and had 4 driving wheels. Soon a big man with a tophat walked up to greet the little engine. The big man looked up at the engine, smiled at him, and began to speak.

"Ah, Oliver, you look splendid! How has it been the past few days for you, Isabel and Toad?"

"Oh just great Sir Topham Hatt! It's such an honor to be part of your railway. The men have done wonders on me, Isabel and Toad! And if it weren't for you and Douglas, we would've never been here."

"Indeed, well, it's time for you to get to work now, Donald will be coming in soon to help you

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"Indeed, well, it's time for you to get to work now, Donald will be coming in soon to help you."

"Yes sir, right away sir! But erm, who's Donald?"

A Scottish tender engine rolled into the works. He looked very similar to Douglas but wore nameplates that read "Donald" on his somebox and a number 9 on his tender.

"Aye, so must be Oliver, well it's nice to finally meet you. Douggie's been talking nonstop about ye."

"Has he? Well that's nice to hear."

"Anyways, I'll be helping out today, you'll be working on your own little branch line."

"Oh boy, that sounds exciting!"

"Indeed it will be, you two should be heading off now. We've got a busy schedule today."

"Aye sir!"

"Yes sir!"

Soon Oliver was fired up and the two engines set off. They passed several different stations, yards, and branch lines. Soon they reached a big station that read 'Tidmouth' . At the platform, a big green engine with the number three on his tender was waiting with a passenger train. He noticed the two engines and began to speak up.

"Oh hello Donald, how are you? And might I ask who you are?"

"Aye well Henry I've been fine, and this is the new engine for the Arlesburgh Branch, his name's Oliver. Oliver, this is Henry, he's the NWR's number three."

"Why hello there Henry, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"It's a pleasure to meet you two Oliver. I've heard you're going to be working on the Arlesburgh Branch, aren't you?"

"Yes indeed, I can't wait to start getting to work!"

"Hehe, well I hope you enjoy your stay here Oliver."

"Thanks Henry!"

"Alright Oliver, time to get working on the branch!"

"Right, let's start!"

The two engines set off to the branch and started off immediately. Donald helped with setting up with a few final touches on the track and stations, while Oliver and a few others pulled passenger and goods trains for most of the day. Oliver loved his new life on Sodor. During that time he made some new friends and met lots of people. However, throughout the day, he noticed two engines having a chat.

Curious, he decided to eavesdrop, and this is what he heard...

"It's honestly just a shame seeing him gone, he didn't deserve that fate at all. He was a great friend..."

"I know what you mean Percy. But hey, he's in a better place now. And plus, no one could've prevented the accident... Welp, I gotta go take Annie & Clarabel now, talk to ya later Percy."

"Bye Thomas."

"...what are they talking about..." Oliver thought to himself.

Soon the sun began to set, and Oliver was heading to the sheds at Tidmouth Hault. He found Douglas there resting already, and immediately, he perked up.

"Hi Douglas!"

"Oh, hullo Oliver, nice to see ye again!"

"I can say the same for you. How was your day?"

"Oh my day was fine, just pulling trains as usual. How about you?"

"Oh my day was great, it was fun being able to stretch my wheels in a while! Though, I've been meaning to ask something..."

"Aye, what might ye be askin'?"

"I overheard two engines talking about an engine who went through a horrible accident. I was wondering, do you know anything about it?"

"Oh, well I- umm... was just a small accident that happened a long time ago, nothing much. Well, it's getting late, I'm gonna get some shut eye. 'Night Oliver."

"Uh, good night I guess..."

As Oliver was resting in the shed, he couldn't help wondering who the engine was. What was their name? What were they like? More questions of the engine ran through his mind. Were they sent away? Were they scrapped? The more he thought, the more questions just popped into his smokebox. He decided it was to just drop it and get some rest, thinking it wasn't worth overthinking. Soon, he fell asleep too. He had a whole new life ahead of him...

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