Part 3: Callers and Tryhards

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(next chapter is traumatizing lolol)

As they both arrive at Amber's house, Tara flop onto her couch, she makes a little bit of room for Amber to sit. As Amber sits down she looks at Tara, who seems to be going insane over her. "T? T?!" Amber startles Tara as she snaps out of her trance for the one thousandth time. "Huh?! What??" Tara says confused. "Nothing, just wanted to make sure your brain was still working fine." Amber says sarcastically. Tara's corner of her lips raise slightly and she leans back, resting her neck on one of the couches pillows. "I think you should nap before we start studying, you look wasted." Amber points out and Tara immediately shoots back up, embarrassed. "Uhm- yeah sure. Where am I gonna sleep?" Amber looks at Tara like she just transformed into a cat, "My bed, dumbass." She states. Tara gets all flustered and Amber notices this but she doesn't point it out as she doesn't want Tara to feel even more embarrassed. "Mkay let's go, cmon." Amber holds out her hand to help Tara up from the couch. They slowly tumble up the stairs together. Well, mostly Tara. Tara opens the bedroom door and face plants into Ambers bed. Tara loves Ambers room since it's her dream room. She has fairy lights, vinyls, vines, posters, guitars sitting around, she skateboards, and she has her dream bed. Amber tucks Tara into a burrito and smiles, "Night T." Amber says as she turns the lights off, almost walking away she hears a faint voice. "Wait- Amber.." Tara says softly. Amber turns her head to look at the girl. "Hm?" She hums. "Can you stay with me? In case I have like, more nightmares." Tara asks Amber. Amber sighs and crawls into bed with Tara. She wraps her arms around Tara's head and Tara lays on her chest, Amber strokes Tara's beautiful hair and gently kisses her forehead. Tara smiles and falls asleep. She finally falls asleep happy and Amber loves that. Amber watches the brunette haired girl sleep like a baby, it's creepy but she looks adorable and Amber can't help but take a picture. She notices Tara's phone blowing up and she picks it up quickly since she doesn't want the girl to wake up to loud noise.
From Wes ❤️❤️

Wes ❤️❤️: Hey T. Do you wanna come over to my place instead of staying at Ambers??? I don't rlly trust her that much.

Me: lmaoo I stole yo bitchhh 💀😩😩

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Me: Calm tf down she's tired lmao

Wes ❤️❤️: why couldn't you just let her sleep on the couch or smth then?

Me: Cuz I actually care about her 🫶🏻💀

Amber closes messages and sets Tara's phone  on do not disturb as she watches the peaceful girl sleep once more. Amber starts feeling tired herself and eventually starts to doze off. She falls asleep with her arms tied around Tara, making sure she feels safe and sound.  Tara starts to stir slightly and opens her eyes, she feels Ambers warmth and turns around to see the taller girl sleeping. Tara giggles quietly as Amber snores a little bit. "Cute.." She whispers to herself and cuddles back up into Ambers chest. Tara starts to flip around and stir a lot so she goes to the bathroom.

)Do you rlly think I would write about smbdy doing they business 💀💀)

She flushes the toilet and looks at herself in the mirror before going back to Ambers room. She hears a flower vase drop and she picks it up. "Uhm..okay??" She says confused on how the vase dropped. She sets it back down on the table and hears more noises coming from downstairs. She's hesitant to check but does it anyways. She goes downstairs to the kitchen and turns one of the lights on. She grabs a juice box from the fridge and starts sipping on it as she hears even more  noises. "Hello?!" Tara calls out. No respond. "This isn't funny Amber!" She yells out. When she yet again gets no respond she hears the phone ring. At first she declines but then it rings again. Tara groans and picks the phone up.


"Hi. Is this Amber?"

"No, she's sleeping. But I can take a message."

"Okay, tell her...That your next."

The man hangs up the phone and Tara looks at it confused. She sets the phone down and looks around. She sighs and acts like it's nothing, the phone rings again and Tara jumps slightly. She hesitantly picks up the phone. "H-hello?" She says.
"Tara? Why are you on Ambers phone line??"
Thank god it's Mindy.
"Mindy?? You scared the dog shit out of me."
"Rlly? What happened?"
"Nothing, just some weird ass guy called saying that I was next or whatever."
"What the hell. People are sick, just weirdos trying to make a move i guess."
Tara laughs
"Yeah, Ambers sleeping so she can talk tomorrow."
"How do you know that Ambers asleep and not DEAD?!" Mindys voice changes back to the other man's voice and Tara throws the phone in instinct. "Fuck this, I'm done with this."
Tara throws her juice box away and runs upstairs.

880 WORDSDSSS tara shouldn't have done that btw 😍😍
Next chapter is gonna be bloody lol😚😚

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