Part 9: "Tag, whose it?"

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                                  Tara's Pov
I break down crying in Ambers bedroom. "It's all my's all my-" I start to hyperventilate and look for one of my inhalers in Ambers desk. I take out the spare inhaler and take a puff, calming myself down. I hear a knock on the door. "Tara?" Amber says softly. "Leave me alone, please." I mumble, loud enough for her to hear. "I just wanna talk to you, I'm not gonna do anything." She says. I hesitate a little before opening the door. "Hey." She says, looking down at me. I avoid looking at her and I sit down on her bed. "I'm- truly sorry about Wes, I didn't like him but I know that you did." I look up at her. "Ok." She looks at me sadly."I just don't understand what type of sick fucker would do this, what does 'ghostface' even want?" I ask, looking Amber deep in the eyes. "Maybe you should ask your sister about that one." I look at her confused. "What do you mean?" I ask her. "Tara, she's been hiding a lot of shit from you that may be the answer. Just ask her." I stand up and wipe my tears. "Okay." I go downstairs, "Sam?!" I yell. "Huh? What do you need??!" She yells back. "Can we talk??" She hesitates for a moment before responding. "Yeah!" Sam comes up the stairs. "What happened? Did Amber do anything?" She looks into my eyes worriedly. "No, I'm fine I just have to talk to you." I say, holding my tears back. "Okay." We go into the guest room and I sit down next to her. "Amber told me to talk to you because she said that you may know why this freak is after me and my friend group.." Sam starts to tremble slightly. "Oh, uhm.." I looks her dead in the eyes and tilt my head slightly. "What. What is it?" Sam straightens her back, fixing her posture. "When you were a baby, Mom day I went up into the Attic to look for our dog, Lana. And I accidentally bumped into a box which held a diary." Sam says, I look at her strangely but invested. "And it was Moms diary." Sam looks down. "So I opened it a couple pages, then got to this one page. interests and baby daddies." I look at her confused. "What are you trying to say?" I ask. "Under my name, was Billy Loomis..Billy Loomis is my father Tara." I furrow my eyebrows. "Sam-"
"So I went downstairs to confront Mom, and I yelled at her...but I was too loud that Dad heard. Dad was eavesdropping on our whole conversation and he was super mad at Mama.. so he left." I look at her with tears forming in my eyes. "Sam.." I say, "So." Sam sniffles. "So, Mom is like this because of that one night. Tara, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry- I didn't want to cause you all this trouble." Sam says panicking. "Sam get out."
"Tara please."
"No, no. I'm done. You come back and I think that you come back to protect me but your just bringing more danger to me and my friends by being here? Then you hide this bullshit from me and come to tell me this when my boyfriend dies, I get attacked, Amber runs away, and Mom is an addict?" I say crying softly.
"No. No, it's not like that, it wasn't my fault!-"
"But it was, Sam. Get. Out."
Sam looks at me for a moment before leaving the room. I stay there silent for a moment and stare into a wall. Then I turn my eye to look at a knife blade on the desk.

TW⚠️⚠️ self harm

I think to myself. "Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it." I repeat in my mind as I look at the blade again. Feeding into my hunger i pick the blade up and roll my sleeve up, slicing above my wrist. I hiss at the pain and make multiple cuts, deep cuts. I hear a knock on the door and jump, causing me to slice my arm. "FUCK, SHIT. ONE..NGH ONE SECOND!!" I yell, putting the blade in my pocket. "Tara? What's going on??" Amber says worryingly. "Nothing I'm..I'm fine!" I put the towel on my cut that can't stop bleeding. "Oh my fucking god.." I whisper softly while looking at my fresh wounds. Amber bursts open the door. "I TOLD YOU ONE SECOND!" I say while pulling my sleeve down. "Let me see your wrist." Amber walks towards me. "No- ngh!" She crawls on top of me trying to pull my sleeve up forcefully. She manages to do so in the end and she looks at all my bruises and cuts and shit. "Tara.." She says sympathetically. I look away from her. "Look at me." She puts her finger on my chin to make me face her. "We need to clean these wounds, you used my wood chipping knife." She says, looking into my eyes. "I'm fine." I say, trying to not break. "No you aren't, I care about you T. I want to know what's wrong." She says, still holding my arm. I look at my wrist. "It's..everything. My whole fucking life." I say softly. "I can't be happy in peace, or at all. There's always something that has to happen. My Moms a drug addict, Sams real father is a psychopath, my father left because of Sam, my boyfriend dies but I think that I love someone else, and-" I get cut off. "Wait, wait, slow down. You think you love someone else?" I look at her. "Huh?" She looks at me confused. "Who else did you like? Was it during Wes?" She asks. "I don't know who the fuck I like, okay? Just forget it." I get up slowly but a hand tugs on my shirt. I look down at Amber. "Let go!" I demand.
                 "I'm not gonna let you leave."

1025 words 😍😍

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