Part 10: Battle of thee Tara.

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TW⚠️ blood, fighting.
I look into her eyes and then down."Tara?" She says softly, "Huh?" I say, "You looked sad." She says. "Oh." I reply, she pulls me down gently. I scoot closer to her. "Let me see." She points to my wrist and I pull my sleeve up. She goes over to her aid draw and gets out hydrogen peroxide as well as big bandaids and cotton balls. She puts the peroxide on the cotton balls and dabs it on my wrist gently, I hiss at the pain and smack her hand away. "I'm sorry, I have to do this so it doesn't get infected T." She says, I whine softly.  She gently grasps my arm and dabs a little more peroxide on it, I squeeze my eyes tightly and she puts a bandaid on it, she traces her hands up to my face and wipes my tears with her thumbs. "All better, now get some sleep." She says, I nod and turn over. Trying to fall asleep. Eventually I fall asleep and I have nightmares about Wes, one where I see the man himself killing him right infront of me. I roll around in my bed too much and sweat a lot, accidentally waking up Amber. I hear her groan and flip over. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" I say, whispering but loudly. "We all wake up naturally T."  Amber says. I look down, and nod. Amber puts an arm on my shoulder. "Get dressed, I'm gonna go wake up the others." She says. I nod and get out of bed, putting on a blue sweater and some black baggy cargo jeans. I do my makeup and hair, after that I pack my shit together and go downstairs for breakfast to hear Sam talking about Wes. "We all lost someone very important to us, but let's gain from that." I look at her. "Very wise words coming from the daughter of a serial killer." I say. Sam looks at me guiltily, "Morning to you too T." She says, Amber looks at me while eating a piece of toast and I give her a 'Don't worry about it' look. I take my seat next to Liv and Amber as they talk about the stab movies in order. "You okay T? You look a little shocked ." Chad asks me. I look at him and back at Amber. "Yeah I'm fine." Amber keeps looking over to me. I give her a reassuring look and I finish my breakfast and wait for everyone else, Sam comes out first and tries to talk to me, I walk away from her as she tries to speak to me. "T-"
"I don't want to hear it." I say, trying to not raise my voice. She clicks her tongue and gets into her car, "You know your riding with me right? Ambers not gonna take you this time." She says which pisses me off. "What the fuck Sam? Why the hell not??" Sam turns to me, "Cause I don't want you riding with her today. Just get in, I won't talk to you." I look at her angrily. "Fuck you." I say as I open the door to the backseat and slam it shut. Sam starts up the car and I look at my phone.


Not riding with me today?

Nope, Sams being a bitch.

K lol

I'm serious!! I rlly want to
ride with u😭😭😭

okkkkk I knoow ❤️

bye 😚😚

I smile at her text and go on tiktok, seeing multiple things on my fyp for Wes' death. I sigh and feel guilty, but it's not my fault..right?

                                Ambers Pov

I drive behind Sams car and we finally pull up to school. I get out of my car and go up to Tara, who's walking away from Sam angrily, I guess they're having drama with eachother.
"Heyyyy." I say, wrapping my arm around Tara's shoulder, she smiles and rests her head on me gently. "Hey." She says, with sadness in her voice. "What's wrong? Something going on with you and Sam?" I ask, "Yeah, just stupid shit. No worries." I nod. "Okay." I look at Mindy, Chad and Liv who are just getting out of Chads car. I wave and me and Tara walk into school. We get lots of looks and whispers from people, I ignore them but Tara looks uncomfortable about it. "Hey, it's okay." I whisper in her ear. She nods and goes over to her locker as I walk over to the bathroom.

                              Tara's Pov
I go over to my locker and a lot of people stare at me and whisper really mean shit.

"I bet she's the killer."
"Classic kill your boyfriend and get with your best friend.."
"Are they dating? Ew that's gross."
"Jealousy consumes Amber."
"They both definitely teamed up."
"What a whore."
"They killed Wes."
I slam my locker shut and punch the girl who  talked the most shit. I continuously beat the shit out of her as people record and laugh at me, the girl manages to break out my wrath and punch me straight in the nose. I groan and kick her in the neck, I completely cut her air supply off and she starts to hyperventilate as teachers come rushing over, as well as Amber. The teachers and Amber try hold me back and take me off of the girl. Amber tries to calm me down by holding me in her arm, whispering comforting words. But I just don't know what came out of me, why I did that. The teachers call over the nurse and they call 911. The other teachers take me to the principals office. The principal sits me down an hour later.
"What the hell were you thinking Tara?! You could've killed someone, and you, yourself got hurt." She looks at me while I hold an ice pack to my nose. "Is she okay? Is she gonna be fine?" I say concerned. "Doctors said that she'll be okay, but her parents are frustrated with you." She says, I bite my nails and look at the principal again. "I'm so sorry, I don't know what came out of me. I just felt anger and frustration over come me and it spilled, okay?" I shift in my seat after I say that. The teacher sighs, "I'm gonna have to tell your sister about this, your not gonna get suspended for this but your on close monitoring for a week." She says, I groan and lean back in my chair. "You did this to yourself Tara." I look at her coldly and fidget with my fingers. "You must write an apology to her too." I look at her confused. "But she-!"
"Eh eh eh, I don't want to hear it okay? I know what happened but the way you reacted was totally inappropriate." She says. "Well I know that." I whisper under my breath. "What was that?" She asks. "Nothing." I say. "Okay, you may be dismissed. Remember, anything else and your suspended for 2 weeks." I roll my eyes and get out of my chair. I stretch and go over to Amber, who was waiting the whole time. "You okay?" She asks, I look at her. "Yeah, I'm fine." I smile.
I'm not fine.

1224 words 😨😨
Who do y'all think the killers are??

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