VIII. Future King

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Marcus couldn't believe who was standing in his home

"Your majesty, this is unexpected."

Beatrice couldn't believe how Marcus looked like a young king Mordecai,
The resemblance bought saddens to the queen.

"You are aware of who your father is?"

Marcus lowered his head, it was clear that he knew, however it seemed like no one else knew not even his own wife. Marcus turned to his wife

"Claudia my dear, would you go and take these bags to the store room."

Marcus didn't want his wife to know that he was a bastard, if anyone were to find out he would be looked down upon. Claudia took the bags that Marcus brought and left the two alone

"I'm sorry you were not informed sooner, it must be hard to come to terms with all of this."

Beatrice didn't show emotion she felt a since of angry boiling inside her

"What I'm going through is no concern of yours. besides I didn't come for a family reunion."

Beatrice was cold with Marcus, her entire Demeter changed just looking at him

"Then why have you come?"

"You are what you are, a bastard and a disgrace to your family. But there's one thing you are.... Your Starholds last chance, your a king."

Marcus couldn't believe what Beatrice had just said. Could it be that she was giving him his fathers inheritance?

"I don't understand... I'm the only child of the king?"

Beatrice turned her head away from Marcus in discussed over just that thought. The only child to her husband wasn't even related to Beatrice. It was clear to Marcus that the queen was very uncomfortable with him, he to shared the same feeling, he didn't feel up to the task

"I can't be king."

Beatrice looked him straight in his eyes

"I didn't come all this way just to be told off. You have no choice."

"What your asking me to do is a mockery of my family. Your husband, my father
Just tossed me and my mother to the side, not a coin to our name. We hunted for our food lived as heathens, my mother fought her way back just so she could give me a place to sleep at night. Why would I except my fathers throne?
Theirs blood on that mad throne."

Beatrice walked up to Marcus in anger and slapped him across his face

"Your father might have been a fool, but I can tell you he wasn't right in his head."

Beatrice teared up as she continued

"For years I took care of that man, I knew him before his madness. He laughed,
He loved he cared for his people. I'm not letting you talk your father down that way. You should also know that it wasn't your father who kicked your pregnant
Mother out, it was the kings court who made that decision."

Marcus only shook his head, he wasn't happy with what the queen had to say

"I don't care who did what. That throne is cursed with madness. The gods have their hand in this."

Marcus no longer wanted to talk. This news wasn't what she wanted to hear, it made her upset. This was the kingdoms last hope and she blew it. She turned for the door and said one last thing

"Time runs short, your people need you."

And with those words Beatrice left. Those last words weighed heavy on Marcus. The kingdom's time was short but would he really sacrifice all that he had for a cursed throne? Marcus's wife Claudia returned this time with a basket full of fruits

"Did the queen leave?"

Marcus didn't answer, Claudia noticed something was on his mind

"What did she say?"

Marcus took his wife and embraced her

"There's something you should know. You wouldn't look at me any differently,
Would you?"

Claudia looked him in his eyes sincerely

"I wouldn't look at you any differently for any reason. We've been through so much together. Your children and I are proud of you, my dear."

Marcus smiled and embraced her again, this time feeling secure he confessed

"My father is the late king, I'm a bastard."

Claudia kissed Marcus and whispered

"She wanted you to inherit the throne, didn't she?"

Marcus nodded and she continued

"Go my dear, become what you were destined for."

Marcus smiled and said

"Yes, my queen."

And Marcus left at once, for queen Beatrice.

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