I. Decisions

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The city of Starfall, a great city with thousands roaming its narrow streets
And the sound of people's life from day-to-day activity's ring out. The day the sun had come out since a long winter and the fresh air and cool breeze that flooded the city and swept in from the mountains to the north. The city shined during the sunny days but nothing more beautiful in all the city that could compare to the great Starfall keep that stood on top of a hill that overlooked the great city. The keep was home to the most powerful man in Moravia, King Mordecai. The mad king's insanity plunged the city into an era of unknown fate as the king had no heir. And with raising tension with his subjects and estates the kingdom was on the path of destruction as its future was starting to be into question. The mad king wasn't always mad however, as for many years did Mordecai rule the great city. The king in his early days was known as a devoted worshipper of the rival gods.
And held his position with great respect. But as the king aged his mind was lost in time. The great king went insane until he could no longer communicate with anyone, from there he was known as the mad king and with it his throne stained with insanity, the people named it the mad throne. At this age 567 AV: IV
The king in his last month sits on a throne of uncertainty and by his side Queen Beatrice contemplating her next move to save the throne.

The king's advisor steps into the great hall to confront Beatrice and the king.
"Mistress, the estates men have called for an emergence meeting concerning the king's health."

Beatrice looks over at her husband who sits as if he were made of stone.
"My husband, it would be wise if you come to the meeting."

Beatrice for many years talks to her husband in hopes he would come back.
But all he would do was just sit or sleep as if he no longer was there.

"Cadman?" Saying Beatrice to the Kings advisor
"I've requested healing oils from one of the servants. When they come back with the oils would you help with the oils while I'm gone?"

Cadman, a friend to both the king and the queen agreed and Beatrice made her way to the hall where she would meet the estate men.

The estate men held the cities four districts of power and where often involved with the kings spendings and city planning. But as the king grew Ill much of the decision were made by Beatrice.

Beatrice arrived in the halls of the grand estate where the meeting was being held. In the middle of the grand hall was a great table where four estate men sat. The four men's names were, Godwin, Keeper of the city's finances. Tomas, keeper of central planning. Milo, keeper of the city guard. And Eldon,
keeper of the king's law. And in the middle of them the chair where Beatrice would sit.

The four men bowed their heads at Beatrice's presents.
"Men. You have summoned me at a time when my husband needs me."

Eldon declared to Beatrice.
"My queen. We have summoned you for the final time. As the king's health deuterates and the thrones future comes into question your subjects had declared that they will go their separate ways from the kingdom after the kings

Beatrice raising her voice saying.
"The king's vassals have no right!"

The four men sit in silence. The queen showed her displeasure of the king's subjects display of loyalty to the throne. The vassals had been loyal for years.
And to hear their disloyalty came as a shock to the mistress.

"My queen, we've urged your subjects not to worry about the kingdoms future. But they insisted that without a ruler to sit on the throne the kingdoms time will surely come to an end."

The mistress was in a though situation and things weren't looking so great.

"If the kings death comes then I will take up the mantel for a short period of time until a ruler is found to sit upon the throne."

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