XVII. Epilogue

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Months have past sense Beatrice departure from Starfall and now she arrives before the daughters of Nera, goddess of fore-site and self proclaimed mother of old Moravia. As Beatrice approach's an old woman in a dark cloak reveals herself to Beatrice.

"Come child of Nera, you seek answers."

The old woman leads Beatrice into a cave which revealed a large chamber with many cultist standing before a statue of the goddess. The old woman points to the statue and says.

"Touch the statue. Our goddess will reveal what you seek. But know this, As soon as the secrets are revealed to you, Nera will acquire something from you."

Beatrice knew that the price was high what ever it be however the answers she seeks may be a revaluation for the old kingdom. She must know what had happened to her husband and why she couldn't save him.

Beatrice approached the stone statue and kneeled before. She reached her hand out to touch the cold stone. At first she felt nothing but shortly after the cave around her grew in smoke. The daughters of Nera chanted and Beatrice fell asleep.

Beatrice suddenly found herself standing before the throne of Starfall with her husband sitting on the throne. Mordecai
Smiled looking at his wife for the first time in a long time. She returned the smile and he arose from the throne saying.

"You've come a long way to see me my sweet wife."

Beatrice felt at home again she ignored the possibility's of this just being a dream and just lived in that very moment.
She approached him and took his hands and reached in for a kiss.

"It's been to long my love."

Beatrice and Mordecai embraced each other she felt at peace as if she where dead. However this facade wouldn't last forever and she couldn't forget way she was here in the first place. She broke the embrace and looked him in the eye
Afraid of what his answer would be.

"My love, what's going on?"

Mordecai looked away ashamed. It was clear his death was brought on by himself, but why?

"Is the throne truly cursed?"

Mordecai turned to face her and he reached for her hand.

"Come I have something to show you."

Mordecai said as they walked into a dark corner. As they entered the dark corner together a room appeared around them showing a chamber and a slightly younger king kneeling before a strange alter.

"My love, what is that strange alter? I don't remember you having such an item before."

Mordecai only pointed towards the young Mordecai who was now begging at the alter.

"Agoria god of bargain, hear me in my time of need. I ask that I may rule over all the lands in your name for eternity."

Beatrice's eyes widen at what she heard she turned and asked Mordecai.

"You made a deal with the god of bargains?"

Mordecai lowered his head. the scene went back to the throne room.

"My love, I asked so that you and me can rule for eternity. Things were looking good for the both of us and so I became selfish and wanted that moment to last forever just me and you. But things didn't go so well."

The scene turned to the balcony that over looked the city and yet again young Mordecai with his new found powers
Laughed saying.

"I am a god, ruler over old Vothguard."

Mordecai turned to Beatrice who was looking increasingly worried.

"I wanted so much it was like the power that I was given was a cures meant for me to upset the gods. Little did I know
That Agoria set me up."

The scene went to young Mordecai sick in bed with a younger Beatrice rubbing healing oils on him.

"Because of this, Nera and Agoria made an agreement on that day. Agoria purposed that I be punished and cursed. Nera
Wanted to spare you for reasons of her own so that when the time came she would reveal herself. And till this very day Agoria still has a curse on that throne."

Beatrice wasn't feeling to well the information wasn't sitting well with her.

"Why would Agoria set you up?"

Mordecai pointed out toward the city and beyond as she realized what the gods had plans for.

"Agoria is trying to take old Vothguard?"

Mordecai stood there and wept and slowly faded away. Beatrice reached out and cried the news she had learned revealed a dark truth for the future of old Vothguard. Then suddenly Nera appeared to Beatrice in a flame.

"My child, you have learned the fate of your husband. However you do not understand the true weight of what this means."

Beatrice wiped away her tears.

"You set my husband up didn't you?"

Nera smiled.

"You aren't so ignorant as I thought. Yes and no, I've done many things my child but Agoria wanted much more and through a young naive power-hungry king the god of bargains took advantage of him, and he would have you to if I would have ignored it."

Beatrice fell at the feet of Nera and asked.

"I must know, what's to happen to Marcus?"

Nera thought for a moment considering the question.

"There will come a time when a ruler of starhold change the very balance of the rival gods. I'm afraid that's all I can reveal to you. Now go my child serve me with all of your wisdom."

And with those final words Nera vanished and Beatrice awoken. The price was paid and now Beatrice now with out site serves the goddess of for-site patently waiting for those to seek her for answers.

The End.

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