Chapter 1

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Note from translator: this book, as with any other Chinese BL novels, may include some triggering scenes for some people, or come across as non-inclusive. The non-LGBTQI+ have certain views of this community that may not be totally true.

 As the translator, I try to use more inclusive and non-discriminatory phrases such as "husband" instead of "wife" to talk about the partner who takes on a more feminine role in the relationship. However, there are terms such as "Top" and "Bot" that I can't change for the sake of clarity. My apologies for this. I know that some readers have taken up issue with the way Advance Bravely was written and I will try to make necessary changes when translating "after marrying a rich, disabled businessman". 

Thank you for your understanding! ❤️


When Jing Huai woke up, he found himself lying in a quaintly decorated room.

The bed beneath him was a loft bed that he had only ever seen on TV, complete with a white mosquito net. There was a desk[1] by the window with writing utensils, paperweights, inkstones, and unfinished calligraphy on top. In the corner, there was a bookshelf filled with professional books, most likely related to Traditional Chinese Medicine, which he barely passed in school.

[1] 案桌 - àn zhuō

The walls were adorned with ink paintings [2] whose artist he couldn't identify, but he thought they were exquisite, nonetheless

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The walls were adorned with ink paintings [2] whose artist he couldn't identify, but he thought they were exquisite, nonetheless. The room had a strong sense of antiquity, but the most eye-catching feature was the big red "xi" [3]character pasted on the window.

[2] Ink painting

[3] 喜 – xi: happiness ---> cut-outs of this word is usually used in Chinese weddings

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[3] 喜 – xi: happiness ---> cut-outs of this word is usually used in Chinese weddings

[3] 喜 – xi: happiness ---> cut-outs of this word is usually used in Chinese weddings

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