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My personal Sandra alarm clock wakes me up.

"Amber! Get up! It's time for breakfast, and then we're going to the ADCCG headquarters!"


I drag myself out of bed, and look for my favourite sweats and hoodie.

But then I realize that I don't have any of that with me.

"What are you looking for Amber?" Sandra asks.

"Clothes," I tell her.

"Oh," she says. 

She passes me a pair of skinny jeans and a faded yellow hoodie.

This is good, I think, this is what I normally wear.

I quickly get dressed, and follow Sandra down the hotel hall, into a room set up just for us.

Sandra talks to some of the other girl's reps. She comes back with three other girls, and they lead us to a table.

"Introduce yourselves girls, and then go grab some food," she gestures to the extravagant buffet.

I look at the other girls. Duckface is here, and I don't know who the other two are.

"I'm Erica," Duckface says.

"Cool! I'm Maggie! I'm from New Brunswick!"

Woohoo! I think, sarcastically, That's just so exciting!

"I'm Paige."

"Wait, you're from the North West Territories, right?"

Paige nods, and Maggie continues.

"That's so cool! I've never known anyone from up north before! What's your name?"

"Me? Oh, I'm Manitoba Amber."

"Oh wow! I've heard so many good things about Manitoba!"

Does she ever shut up?

"Does she ever shut up?" Paige hisses in my ear.

"Doesn't look like it."

Duckface speaks up.

"Let's go get some food. I'm hungry."

At the buffet table, I grab a plate and get a waffle, with strawberries and whip cream, and I grab some orange juice. Breakfast of champions!

Just after we get back to our table, a woman makes an announcement.

"Hello girls. I'm Mrs Attary, from the ADCCG, and I'm in charge of welcoming you. After we finish up here, we're going to be taking you to headquarters, where I'll explain a few more things. That's about all for now, enjoy your breakfast, and we'll be on our way shortly."

After breakfast, we all pile into a big bus with tinted windows, and drive to what I'm assuming is the ADCCG headquarters.

When we get there, we are escorted off the bus, and into a tunnel.

All of the adults leave us, and then a scary looking bodyguard guys comes and stands in front of us.

"Is there anyone that doesn't want to be here?!" he bellows.  "Because at the moment, you have two choices: fulfill your purpose here, or die!"  He pauses for dramatic effect.  It works.  "Is there anyone unwilling to fulfill their purpose?"  He looks around. We are all terrified.

"Good. Let's continue."

He turns and continues down the tunnel, unaware that he just terrified thirteen fifteen year old girls, or that he just did a complete personality change.

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