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I lean over to Paige in class. "Where's Dawn?"

"Don't know," she says, not sounding too happy about it.  "I haven't seen her around lately."

"Hmm.  I wonder why."

Paige shrugs, and we go back to our work.

Finally the bell rings, and we are released from the wrath of class.

We head to the cafeteria and heap our plates full of mac and cheese, then head to our table. Dawn is already sitting there with a plate when we get there.

She looks up when we arrive.  "Hey guys."

"Where've you been the past few days?" Paige questions. 

"Nowhere special," Dawn replies, and goes back to eating. 

No one has anything else to say, so we start eating our lunch.

"Do we have classes again after lunch?" Dawn asks, breaking the silence.

"Uh, I don't know," Ethyn says. "Dave?"

"The screen said to head to the library after lunch," Dave tells us.

"Okay," Dawn says, and goes back to eating.

Our table falls into silence once again. I'm thinking of Dawn. Clearly, something's up. Her behaviour right now kind of reminds me of Aria when I first met her.  Come to think of it, I haven't seen Aria around lately.

"Dawn," I say. She looks up. "Is everything okay?"

She looks surprised that I've asked. "It will be," she says with a sad smile.

"I'm here if you need me."


"Guys come on.  We've gotta get to the library," Dave insists, trying to hurry us up. 

"Okay, okay," Tess sighs.

We all push our chairs out, stand up and follow Dave to the library.

There's a sign on the door that says: '55, '56 fitness sign up here

What is that?

I feel a hand hold my arm back, and turn around to see Tristan.

"We did this last year," he tells me.

"What is it?" I question.

"There's a bunch of fitness options, and we choose one to sign up for.  It's their way of keeping us fit.  We'll be in the one we choose now for about a month, and then choose another one."

I nod in understanding. 

"I was just wondering, do you want to sign up for the same one," he pauses, looking almost scared.  "Like-cause we're friends-you know?" He blushes.

"Yeah, of course," I say, smiling.

We head into the library, and see everyone crowded around an table that has the sign up sheet on it.

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