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The ankle brace.  Ohmygosh.  Of course they put a tracker in it!

The search party slowly moves away and after what feels like days of siting in the same positions, getting stiffer and stiffer, we decide it's safe to move around and talk. 

"No fire guys," Jay says.  "We can't take the risk."

Greyson nods.  "I made a plan while we were sitting."

Kendra eagerly urges him on.  "We sure need one.  Tell us."

"We should rest for a while and get ready.  I want to take a look at the brace and see if we can remove the tracker.  Then I'll take the tracker, or the whole brace and ditch it somewhere."

"You're going alone?" I ask.

"Yeah.  It's safer."

What if they catch him?  I only just found him, I can't bear to loose my big brother again.

"Are you sure?" Kendra asks, her tone reflecting my concern.

"As much as I hate to say it, he's right," Jay says and Mitch nods in agreement.  The decision is made.  Greyson will go alone.

"It'll be okay Amber," Tristan whispers in my ear.  "You know how he is.  He'll stay safe."

I nod, blinking back tears and trying to believe Tristan's words.

I need my big brother. 

"Hey Amber?  Can you pass us your brace?"


I undo the Velcro and toss it to the guys.  My ankle is really stiff from staying still for so long, but I think it is feeling a bit better.

"It's less swollen," Tristan comments.

"Yeah.  It's really stiff though."

"That's cause we crammed into the back of a cave together.  I'm stiff too."

"Good.  I'm glad I'm not the only one suffering."

"Your level of empathy never ceases to amaze me," he says with a laugh.

I smack him in the shoulder.


"Oh hush, you big baby."

"Yeah well, you're stuck with me."  He puts his arm around me in a peace offering. 

Or so I thought.

Tristan starts tickling me.  I try my hardest not to scream.  I squirm around on the floor.

"Stop," I plead.  "Truce!"

"Say Tristan is the greatest."

"Tristan is the greatest!"

He lets me go.  "Why thank you Amber.  I'm glad you think I'm the greatest."

"Hey lovebirds!" Mitch calls, causing me to cringe. "Wanna come over here for a sec?"


"So we've looks at the brace, and there's no evidence of a tracker in it. So I'm going to have to take the whole brace with me," Greyson explains.

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