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The song up there is a cover of Ed Sheeran's Photograph, sung by Tyler Ward and Anna Clendening.  I love it so much!

"Where were you guys?" Daniel asks Tristan and I when we sit down at the lunch table.

"I showed Amber the library." Tristan says.

"The library?" Sadie asks.

"Seriously?" Asks Oliver, disgusted. He continues. "That place is effing boring!"

"It's not that bad!" Insists Dave.

"Well," Oliver starts, "You are a nerd."

Sadie bursts out laughing.

"What?" asks Oliver. "I'm dead serious!  It wasn't supposed to be funny!"

"But it is!" She insists through fits of giggles.

"What were you even doing in there anyway?" Daniel cuts in, harshly.

"I just wanted to know if there was a library. And when I asked Tristan he offered to show me." I tell him. Why does he care.

"You know you could have asked me. Also, why did that take over an hour?"

Jeez. What is his problem? Man period? What the heck.

Tristan speaks up. "Amber looked around. I wanted to check how many points I had, but the computer was being super slow.  Then I had to meet my mentor at the pool for a while, and Amber didn't know how to get back here from the library, so she came with me," he says in a rush.

Daniel sighs and mutters under his breath.

"What's your problem, man?" Dave asks.

"Yeah.  Seriously Dan, why do you care?" Oliver asks.

"Amber," Daniel says.  "Can we talk?"

"Sure," I say.  "What's up?"

He leans across the table.  "I mean, like, in private?"

"Oh. I guess, yeah."

Daniel stands up, and I follow him out the doors of the cafeteria.

I turn to face him. "What's up?"

"Well, uh,"

"Daniel? Spit it out." I say.

"Where did Tristan actually take you?  His bed?"

"Daniel!  What the heck!  Why do you even care?  Honestly, you're being such a possessive jerk right now!  We're not dating!"

"Jeez girl.  Calm down!  I'm helping you!"

"Helping me with what Daniel?" I retort.  I've had enough.

He speaks in a quieter tone.  "So you didn't actually go to the library?"

"We did!  Seriously Daniel?  Like, why do you even care?"

"Am I not allowed to care?  Come on Amber."

"What do you want!" I shout.  "Please!  Just-" I stop.  "Why do you care?" I say meekly.

"I'm looking out for you Amber."

"But why?   Tristan is one of your friends!  Don't you trust him?  What kind of friendship is that?"

"Amber, I just-"

"Daniel!  Just explain!"

He looks down.  "I just don't like seeing you with him Amber.  I know you could do far better."  He pauses.  "Amber.  I like you."

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