Boston QZ - Chapter Four

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(Y/N's POV)

"Y'all talk it through but please remember I'm bleeding out." Marlene scoffs.

"Okay here's the deal", Tess says, "we'll get her to your crew at the State House, but before we hand her over, they give us everything we want. If not we kill her there and then."

"Deal." Marlene says quickly.
"Really? That fast?" Ellie says.
"You are all that matters, my team will not jeopardise that. Now go get your backpack."

"Yeah well you're not exactly known for keeping promises are you Marlene?" I say in a passive aggressive tone but she just ignores me.

Ellie gives her a unsure look and Marlene sternly says, "Now, Ellie."

Okay so I came in here to shout at Marlene or some shit and now I'm fucking taking some random kid to Marlene's little friends with some two random adults.


"Joel, don't fuck this up. And be nice to (Y/N), she could really be useful to you if you let her." Marlene says in a warning tone.

"That's one way to put it." Tess says smirking again in a slightly suggestive tone and my jaw practically drops at her comment.

"Let's go." Joel demanded almost immediately, a warning look on his face.

"And (Y/N), don't underestimate them either they are sneaky, they'll have no problem betraying you if necessary." Marlene told me.

"Lucky me." I mutter under my breathe, taking a step to Marlene and lowering my voice.

"i meant it when i said i never wanted to see your ass again. you have some audacity." i say firmly, taking a step back before she has a chance to respond and slotting my gun into my holster, storming out the building with Tess, Joel and Ellie, slamming the door behind us.

✯ ━━━━━━ ✿ ✫ ✿ ━━━━━━ ✯

i throw my good hood over my head and adjust my backpack, the temperature dropping as we walk outside, our heads down.

It was getting very dark now and it was chucking it down with rain. I walk right beside Ellie just incase anything happens.

"You don't need to stand right next to her, we've got it covered, you know?" Joel says to me bluntly.
"I didn't ask you, you know?" I say doing an impression of him at the end, scoffing slightly.

But he just rolled his eyes and we walked indoors to a building. We kept on walking and for a minute and then Tess unlocked a door and he told us to go inside.

"Give us a minute alright." Tess spoke then slammed the door in our faces as soon as we got inside.

"They're nice." Ellie said sarcastically

"yep." i sigh and throw my backpack onto an arm chair, sitting down on it.

silence falls upon us and i try to listen to what Tess and Joel are saying outside but i can't hear what they are saying; their voices being too muffled.

"so.. you have family in the area?" Ellie speaks up, wandering round the room and curiously looking over random shit.

"nah. just me." i shrug.

"you apart of a group? got friends? people she works with?" she presses further.

I turn back round to look at her with a slight awkward shrug. "Uh.. no, not really. I prefer my own company."

"Yeah I can tell." She replies with an understanding nod.

Silence falls upon us once again as she fiddles around with things on the table while looking back to make sure Tess and Joel weren't coming back in, picking up a book and start flicking through it.

I hear Joel shouting for Tess then he comes back in slamming the door behind him.

Joel doesn't utter a word, just grumbling something under his breathe and laying down on his couch, an arm behind his head.

"What are you doing?" Ellie questioned rudely.

"Killing time." He grumbles, not even bothering to look at us.

"careful i don't kill you in your sleep." i speak up sarcastically.

Joel suddenly turns to me with an almost concerned expression and I can't help but let out a mix of a snicker and a scoff at his reaction.

"Jesus christ. i'm joking. lighten up, asshole." i snort, ellie also letting out a laugh, leaning back in my chair.

"dick." he mumble, just closing his eyes again and falling asleep.

Me and Ellie just sat in the corner and spoke quietly about random stuff while Joel slept. Mostly just about stuff like music, school etc. But she also questioned about what's going to happen when we hand her off but I just said that whatever happens I'm sure it'll be fine.

"So Joel huh?" Ellie says simply with an almost unreadable expression.

"uh.. yeah. you'll only have to deal with his ass for like a day anyways." i shrug.

"Mh I thought you two like each other so far." She says and turns round to me with a fake innocent smile, but I can see right through it.

I raise an eyebrow with a confused expression and she proceeds talking.

"I overheard Tess talking with Joel before and she seems to think so toooooo" She laughs and turns back to the window with a suggestive tone.

"I have no idea what you're taking about Ellie." i roll my eyes.

"Yeah you and Joel have something, I can tell." She says while winking at me.

"i've known him for two hours." i scoff, "i have no idea what you're even talking about."

"Oh don't act du-" She starts to speak but I cut her off with a small punch to the arm as Joel started to wake up.

Date finished- 16/4/23
Date updated- 17/6/24
Word count- 1004 words


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