𝐼. 𝐵𝑒𝑔𝒾𝓃𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐸𝓃𝒹

348 21 47

Act One; Chapter One

Word count: 5571
Published: Tuesday, January 25, 2024

Word count: 5571Published: Tuesday, January 25, 2024

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[ Original Episode ]

The hot Georgia sun was beaming down on Sawyer and his training officer, Alex, as they sat in their un-air-conditioned patrol car. It was being a slow day, so the two of them were parked outside of a local area known for speeding and waiting for someone to do an infraction. However, that was proving fruitless because within the two hours they'd spent parked there, no cars had even passed.

"You'd think the world had ended with how quiet this place is right now." Sawyer half-joked while boredly staring at the unusually desolate garage.

Alex let out a low chuckle and disapprovingly shook his head. "Be careful who you say the q-word to, son; most people on the force say it's cursed."

"Are you one of those people, sir?" Sawyer inquired, arching a curious brow at his training officer.

Another low chuckle escaped the older man's lips as he simply shrugged: "When you've been on the force as long as I have, you get superstitious."

"Well, respectfully, I'm more of a see and believe type of person, sir."

"Like Shane?"

Sawyer let out a scoffed laugh and nodded his head in agreement, "Yeah, like Shane."

"You and him are so similar that sometimes it's hard to think that you two have a fifteen-year age difference."

Sawyer laughed and shrugged nonchalantly. "What can I say? He's my older brother; of course I'm going to be like him."

Alex once again chuckled, but this time it had a hint of concern laced within it—something that Sawyer didn't notice because of a call on the radio that played soon after.

"All available units, high speed pursuit in progress; Lincoln County units request local assistance. Highway 18 south, GTAAD W217 243. Proceed with extreme caution."

Sawyer instantly straightened his posture whilst Alex hit the sirens and drove to the specified location.

As the two of them quickly approached the location, they heard a variety of responses and additional information about the situation. When they finally reached the designated location, there were already about a dozen other officers on the scene. Two of those officers being Sawyer's brother Shane and his partner Rick, whom Sawyer was close friends with.

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