𝐼𝐼. 𝒟𝓊𝓂𝒷𝒶𝓈𝓈 𝒞𝑜𝓌𝒷𝑜𝓎

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Act One; Chapter Two

Word count: 2820

[ Season One, Episode Two]

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[ Season One, Episode Two]

"What the fuck is that idiot doing!?"

At the sound of Jules's cursing, Glenn swiveled his head around to see what she was talking about. Then once Glenn looked down to where Jules was staring, his eyes became the size of saucers. Reason being, because a man dressed like a cowboy was riding horseback into the infested streets of Atlanta.

"Wow, he looks like he's straight out of a Western film."

"Yeah, well, he's about to be as dead as the Wild West." Jules quipped lowly and pointed to the incoming hoard the man was about to unknowingly ride into.

Immediately following that, the man got surrounded by geeks, and the poor horse started to get devoured. The gory sight making Jules grimace and Glenn gag in disgust.

"God, nothing deserves that." Jules muttered with a grim expression before walking away from the windowsill and solemnly saying, "C'mon, we should go; the others are probably waiting for us."


Jules stopped in her tracks after Glenn said that and then went to ask why, but he beat her to the punch by exclaiming, "The son of a bitch is still alive!"

"What!?" Jules queried with genuine surprise as she rushed back to Glenn's side at the windowsill so she could see for herself. A bright laugh escaping Jules's lips whilst she shook her head in disbelief.

"Well, I'll be damned. Clint Eastwood has some moves."

Glenn heartily chuckled at Jules's sentence, the two of them sharing genuine smiles with each other before focusing their attention back on the cowboy.

Over the past couple of months, the two had gotten close due to them doing supply runs in the city together. Originally, Glenn was going to go alone, but Eve hated that idea so much that she offered to join him, and then Glenn swiftly rejected that idea. This of which led to the two siblings having a small argument, but it didn't last long. That being because Jules swept in and offered to join Glenn on runs so he wouldn't be alone, and Eve wouldn't have to accompany him in the infested city. At first, Eve protested the idea because she didn't want her brother and best friend to put their lives in danger, but after a lot of convincing from Jules, Glenn, and even Sawyer, she finally agreed.

The two of them watched the cowboy fight his way through the hoard and eventually crawl underneath an army tank. The duo heard five shots being fired from underneath the tank, and then, after a tense moment of waiting, they heard a muffled echoed shot come from within the tank itself.

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