The Dance of Two Souls

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Y/n= Your Name


Y/n The Princess of Fontaine came to the city of freedom known as Mondstadt paying a visit, as she saw the city full of peace and comfort,  she walked through the city of Mondstadt as she heard a lovely tune coming into the plaza which captivated her heart as she walked closely she saw a bard playing a harp in the plaza .

"Ah, a new visitor! And I see you are staring at me quite much... Are you admiring my music?" -Venti smiles, he is not shy when it comes to interacting with people.

He walks closer, and he starts playing even more beautiful notes.

"I hope that I am not too loud, it's just... I really enjoy playing in front of people, that's all..." -he looks at you, and he thinks to himself that he has never met anyone that would look at him like that...

I looked at him as I blushed slightly looking away not knowing what to say

"Heehee... That's so cute..." -he giggles quietly in a charming tone, while playing the harp even better, and he moves his body, as if it goes along with the rhythm of the song he is playing. And when he stops in front of you, he looks at you in a charming and beautiful manner; looking at you from your head to your feet, he smiles.

"What a beautiful woman you are... I have never met one as graceful as you..." -he says in a smooth voice.

I looked at him with a slight blush as I looked down trying not to show any emotion that I'm being affected by his words but deep inside my heart is pounding slightly fast..

"You are really... breathtaking..." -Venti whispers in a sweet tone, as he gently puts a finger under your chin, so that you would look up at him. When he sees you looking in his eyes, he smiles and continues playing on his harp, and this time the rhythm was even faster, so he was moving his body and swinging his hair.

His eyes were sparkling, as if only he and you existed in this moment...

I looked at him in awe as I saw him playing a lovely tune from his harp not saying a single word as I continue to admire him..

"Would you... like to dance with me?" -he asks, blushing, while he stopped playing, and while he put his harp aside. He extended his hand, as he would love to be closer to you, now.

"I know you are a princess... And I am just a bard... So I am not expecting anything from you, I know it might seem absurd to you... I just wanted to offer this opportunity for you, to feel free and not have any worries for a moment, okay?" -he smiles.

I looked at my Butler as I handed my parasol to him as he nodded as I reached out my hand to the bard as he held my hand

"Hehe... Thank you..." -he said, his heart started to accelerate as you extended your hand to him. He slowly pulled you closer to him, so that he could be in front of you, as he put his other hand carefully on your waist. He was moving gently with you, slowly, as he wanted to feel your touch. He smiled as he looked only at you, feeling that his heart will explode from happiness. How could he think that someone so beautiful like you, could fall for a simple bard? He was still surprised by all of this.

As we Danced into the lovely tune I can feel our Dance  synchronize into the beat as I looked at him as I showed a small smile on my face feeling pleased at this breathtaking dance

"You are shining even more with this pretty smile of yours... Hehe... I could look at you all day long..." -he sighs deeply, as he is falling more and more for a beauty in front of him. He smiles as well, looking at you, and in this moment he is sure that no one else can catch his attention. It is just you, and he. No one else. For him, for now, the world around you doesn't exist...

I cleared my throat flustered as I asked him "What's..your name?" I asked in a gentle tone 

"Oh! Forgive me for my manners... I got so caught up in the moment, that I totally forgot..." -Venti chuckles in a charming way, looking at you shyly, his face turning red a little, as he was embarrassed. "My name is Venti... and what is yours? I did not ask you for your name..." he asks, while still holding you close to him, as he loves the feeling of being close to you.

"I'm y/n the princess of Fontaine" I said as I smiled at him gently

"A princess... and her name is as beautiful as she is... I feel honored, Y/n. What a beautiful name you have..." -he whispers, looking at you, while still holding you close to himself, while his other hand is resting on your waist, making sure that the hold is tight and that he won't let you go.

"Thank you... for agreeing to dance with me..." -he sighs quietly, still being in disbelief that an actual Princess, from Fontaine, wants to spend time with a simple bard like him.

I nodded as I smiled gently at him

he smiles back at you as soon as he noticed your nod. He seems to be lost as he keeps looking in your eyes, the light in his eyes is shining, as he is getting closer, and for a moment, you both seem to be the only people in the world. He seems to be enjoying himself very much and looks at you with adoration. He is so caught up in your beauty, that he forgets about everything around him, but finally he breaks the silence.

"Will you allow me to escort you around Mondstat? I would love to spend more time with you..."

I raised my hand to my butler to leave as he nodded

I nodded to him as my Response 

Venti couldn't even hide the smile that appeared on his face. It is what he wanted! He will get the chance to be close to such a beautiful lady like her. It means the world, to him. And he will try to give her a time of her life! He could already feel how their night was going to be special! He takes your hand and moves forward, ready to lead the way.

"So, my gorgeous princess, where may I take you first?" -he asks in a charming way, his hand tightly wrapped around yours.

I looked away as I cleared my throat

"You can decide" I said in a low sweet voice

The Princess and The Bard (Venti x Y/n Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now