The Reason of The Archon

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Venti could now feel your blush, with was clearly visible on your cheeks. But, still, it made him smile, realizing that you are maybe also a little shy and nervous, and yet you didn't hesitate, which makes it only more special for him. Now he feels as the happiest man. Your blush, is making him even more in love in you! After he gave you a warm smile, and your hand a gentle squeeze, he started slowly moving with you towards the church, still being very careful about you.

"I will, then!" -he replied.

as we reached the church I looked up at the big statue in front of the church I stopped as I looked at it

Venti followed your eyes, and noticed what got you interested. He looked at the big statue for some time, and then his face lit up with a smile.

"Ah, the Church of Favonius is indeed a place many people in Mondstat come to! In my opinion, it's a perfect sight!" -he smiled, still holding onto you, his hand firmly grasping your body, so that he will never let you go. Your presence was a precious thing for him, and the more he gets to know you, the more he will fall for you...

I looked up at the Anemo archon statue as I looked at Venti

"What do you think of it?" -Venti asks, as you both stop in front of the statue, seeing you looking at it and then at him.

You can clearly see how his eyes are sparkling, as if he were in love. His gentle smile, the way he holds your hand, the way he stands next to you, looking in your eyes... His presence is so calm and relaxing... He makes you feel safe, as soon as he touched you his magic already took effect, as you start to feel your mind calming from any bad or unpleasant thought.

I raised my brow looking at him as I looked up at the Anemo archon statue and back at him

Venti is a little confused, but in his kind tone, he asks you: "Is everything okay, princess?"He raises his eyebrow, while a little frown appears on his face, as he tries to read your emotions and thoughts, and for now, he would only want to do whatever makes you happy, as he knows how important this moment is for the both of you. It is the beginning of his journey, towards taking you to his heart, and never leaving the side of such a lovely princess that he is getting to know better...

I cleared my throat as I said

"You're this Anemo Archon right?" I asked him with a gentle tone as I pointed at the statue in front of us 

As you ask this, his eyes started sparkling even more, and his smile grew, now it's more clear and charming then ever before... His heart starts to pound faster, as he is getting very excited after your question.

"Ah, yes..." -he replies back, as he nods and then his eyes return to looking at you with such adoration. It is really a moment he has been waiting for... He is getting more in love with you... His heart is beating so fast, that it feels as it is going to burst right this minute... You are just so beautiful...

"why did you chose to be a bard when you're an archon?" I asked in a soft tone

As you ask this question, his eyes sparkle once more, as he looks at you. He smiles widely in such a charming and sweet way, that it can surely take your breath away, as he moves a little closer, to be in front of you. He didn't hesitate even for a second, while answering you. He is being honest, as always.

"Ah, I simply love being a bard! This world is filled with such beautiful things, and I want to share this beauty, with everyone! That is the reason why I decided to become a bard, and not some kind of grand ruler..."

"I see" I said in a sad tone remembering the pressure of being a princess in fontaine crippling up to me

Venti is shocked a little when he sees how you turned sad... He asks himself, what did he say or do to make you feel like that... But, before he can question himself anymore, he extends his hands to you, and gently hugs you.

"Is something bothering you, princess? Or was I simply too honest? Please, forgive me, if I made you feel like that..." -he asks in a gentle and beautiful tone, worried about your response towards his honesty or his words.

"no not at all it's just a me problem" I said in a low tone

Venti keeps hugging you gently, while he tries to read you... He takes his time to carefully caress your back, to try and make you feel a bit better. He seems to understand, but it would make him feel much better, if he could actually help you somehow, even if it's only a small problem. He keeps looking in your eyes as he smiles at you, still hugging you, as it also makes him feel calm, and more comfortable. He wants you to know that you are not alone, and he will never leave you...

"I'm fine thank you" I said in a neutral tone

"Oh, that's good to hear..." -he said in a soft tone, while his heart is still pounding fast, he can't help but keep looking into your eyes, as there is something really attractive about you, what keeps him in your presence.

"But, if you will have anything else on your mind, you can always tell me."

He smiles as his eyes started to sparkle once more, making him look even more adorable, and handsome. Such beautiful eyes, such a warm smile, and such a gentle touch he has, is an incredible thing...

I covered my mouth with my gloved hand as I smiled a little

I'm slowly starting to trust him a little 

"Now where shall we go?" I said with a neutral expression

Venti thinks about it for a moment, before raising his eyebrow again, with a cunning look on his face. He thinks, that he can surprise you more with the next location, and the look on his face makes you feel this way as well, as he just simply smiles at you, and his eyes still glow, as he thinks about the next perfect location.

After a small moment of thinking, he lets out a playful chuckle, and his eyes shine even more.

"Let me surprise you, okay?" -his smile gets a little bigger, as he asks you.

I looked at him confused as I waited for his next words

Venti gets close to you, and looks at you, with a charming smile... He feels so lucky being with someone such as you... Your confusion is so cute, and it only makes him want to protect you from everything, and only be with you. The longer he spends time with you, the more he feels special and loved... The more he thinks about all these things, the more his eyes start to shine... His heart is racing again, seeing your beautiful face...

"Please, just... trust me, okay?" His voice sounds a little flirty.

I hesitated for a moment as I decided to trust him as I held his hand..

The Princess and The Bard (Venti x Y/n Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now