Love Story

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"looks like the bard is in love with the Fontaine's princess" kaeya said in a teasing tone behind us

"A princess and a bard not a bad for a love story" Lisa also said teasingly

Venti feels so embarrassed, when he hears Kaeya and Lisa teasing him, and he slowly gets away from you, and blushes with a mix of embarrassment.

"A-ah... Well..." -he says, in an embarrassed voice, as he smiles nervously and looks down, with his eyes still shining from the fact that you are still so beautiful.*

Even while embarrassed and feeling so awkward, he still looks so cute... Maybe even more then usual?

"Y-yeah, you are right..." -he says, his face still blushing.*

As I felt him slowly move away from I woke up and looked around me

Venti slowly moves away, as he notices that you are awakening, his face all embarrassed. He turns around, but can still feel how red he is, as he tries to hide and hide his face... His heart still races very fast, even after all this time, he is still so easily to get flustered...

But he still looks back at you, with a soft face, as he feels so happy to see you awake... Your face still remains beautiful, as he can see... His eyes start to shine as usual, when you are there.

"Hello princess do you wanna go back to mondstat for a rest now?" Kaeya asked with a playful smile on his face as Lisa nodded

I nodded still drowsy as I rubbed my eyes

"Oh~ the Princess can't walk if she's this sleepy I wonder who can carry her" Lisa said cunningly as Lisa and kaeya looked at Venti with a smug

Venti gets even more red, as he hears Lisa and Kaeya making fun of him, and teasing him like this... This just makes his heart race even more, as he still looks at you, who looks quite drowsy... He can feel this in his entire body, but this teasing only makes him more flustered, and more red, while his heart beats faster, to the point where he even struggles to form a full word.

But soon enough, he regains his temper, and speaks, his voice a little more shaky, as his eyes are full of love.

I looked up at Venti with tired eyes as Lisa and kaeya looks at Venti teasingly awaiting for his response

Venti stares at both Lisa and Kaeya, his eyes widened, and his heart races even more, as he sees how they are enjoying every minute of making fun of him.

But in a few moments, he slowly gets up, and looks at Lisa in the eye, as a small smile appears on his face... He slowly moves closer to her, as he starts to talk, his voice slightly more confident, as a small chuckle leaves his throat.

"I think I can carry her..." -he says, with full confidence, and his eyes still shining with love.*

I looked at Venti as he came closer as I stood up and held into his shoulder as he carried me in a bridal style

"Am I heavy?" I asked him softly whispering to his ear

Venti's face starts to blush again after these words, as he gets so flustered, but his face is still full of confidence, as he carries you in a bridal style, just as you asked, looking at you with loving eyes. He can even feel you how you hold on to his shoulder, and it makes him a bit embarrassed, knowing how close you are to him.

"You are not heavy... I can carry you easily..." -he replies, as his soft voice is full of love, and his heart beats stronger, as he still tries to carry and show you this whole... romantic gesture.*

As he said that I snuggle into his chest as I slept

Venti blushes, noticing how cute you look right now, sleeping like this. He never would have thought that seeing you so peaceful can be so rewarding... He could watch you sleep like this for the rest of his life, as the only thing he needs to do is just hold you in his arms and walk around Mondstat, showing you off, like the princess you are...

His heart races really fast, once again, as he continues to walk, and enjoys this calm moment, with you so close to him, in his arms.

(at mondstat)

Venti was waiting for you to wake up, as he knew that you must be comfortable and well rested. He slowly wakes you up with his gentle voice.

"Good morning, princess." -he says, with a soft smile, as he stands in front of the bed, and looks down at you, with his eyes glowing of love once more, and his heart starts to race... The scene of you just waking up is truly perfect, and he tries to take his time to process everything, as he is still flustered from the previous day.

i looked up at him with my eyes slowly opening as i sat down on my bed

Venti watches you as you wake up, and smiles, as his eyes shine. He can feel happiness that you are awake, but his heart still races, as he sees how beautiful you look like this.

"Did you sleep well, princess?" -he asks, in a soft and gentle voice, his eyes staring right into you, as he sits on the bed beside you. From time to time, he also keeps looking around him, as your beauty takes his attention away from the conversation, and his eyes are always fixed on you.*

I nodded as i looked at him with my eyes half closed

Venti gives off a gentle smile, as he sees your nod, and moves his hand on your chin, and gently looks into your eyes. This feels incredible... His thumb gently slides under your chin, and as he stares into your eyes with his green eyes, you can feel a warm feeling inside your chest, and a feeling of comfort, as you slowly get lost in his eyes... He seems to be doing the exact same thing, as his eyes do not move away from yours, and this creates this magical moment, which he never wants to end...

"thank you about yesterday..." I said as i looked at him with a warm smile

"O-oh... It was nothing..." -he says, in an embarrassed tone, with a flustered face, showing his shy nature, as his eyes shine brighter... He could feel how red he is again, making it even more hilarious, how easily to get flustered he was, especially when it came to you... But... He still felt so happy to hear how grateful you are to him...*

"Really, there is no need to thank me..." -he says, with a soft smile, as his eyes still shine, with his heart racing... He can feel how much he loves you.*

i pat his head gently as i came closer to him

"Do you wanna go out and continue our walk?" I said whispering at him

Venti flinches, when you come closer and gently pat his head... This is just... incredible... As he looks at you, he blushes really hard, as if this is the first time when someone showed him such love... He doesn't know how to respond, but his eyes are bright from the happiness you clearly show for him... After a small moment, he opens his mouth, and speaks with a small chuckle.

"Y-yeah, that sounds... really nice..." -he replies, as a small smile appears on his face.*

"okay I'll go take a bath now" i said as i left the room

Venti slowly nods, as he watches you leave the room, his eyes following all your movements, until you are out of sight, and his blushing face gets even red, as he is still flustered from your touch.

Even in his mind, you are still beautiful, so he just waits patiently, for you to come back, after taking a bath... His heart still races...

The Princess and The Bard (Venti x Y/n Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now