Sick Butter IV

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Spraying disinfect around the house I finally get through dusting and vacuuming.

I breathe in the lemon scent, exiting the living room. My eyes fall onto Professor, who looked terrible. "Sir? Are you alright?" I ask keeping away from him, he looks sick.

He sneezes loudly walking to his lab door, "A terrible disease has passed through Townsville, I'm surprised you aren't sick." He nasily says.

"Well I was cleaning so a lot of cleaning products I suppose?" I question seeing him shiver.

"stay away from others, I have to go figure this out." He says starting his shakingly journey downstairs.

Over Townsville? So the girls are sick as well? I make my way to the kitchen, pouring in chicken soup into a hotpot, giving it time to warm up. Rush myself to pick up covers from the upstairs closet and warming them up in the dryer.

Hearing a crash, I quickly pour the soup into a bowl, taking the now warm covers and a mask on my face, as I struggle my way downstairs.

"Professor, those look just like the Amoeba Boys." I hear from blossom.

"The Amoeba Boys? Hmm. I wonder if now this is only a hunch, but suppose the Amoeba Boys…" He sniffs, oh I forgot the medicine.

"were standing in the park next to a 'Keep Off the Grass...' ...sign, in an attempt to break the law… when a storm rolled in. Now suppose they stood in the rain all night and caught a... Cold. That cold could mix with their single-cell anatomy to create a devastating new virus… that could then infect all of Townsville." He says as i make my way over to them.

Oh boy, they really are sick. I quickly set the warm covers over the three girls heating them up, they snuggle into the fuzzy sheets.

"Of course, that's only a hunch. Girls! You must find the Amoeba Boys. The antidote is within them! Do you know where they are?" He coughs out.

Bubbles jumps up, "Yes! Buttercup kicked them out of town. And...they left." bubbles says.

I notice Buttercup scowl angrily and cross her arms,

"We'll find the Amoeba Boys, " blossom says.

"Wait girls!" I say stopping them before they took off. "Take a bite of this okay?" I gently asks holding a spoonful of Chicken soup to Buttercup's mouth.

She opens her mouth allowing me to give her the food, as I move on to Bubbles and Blossom.

"Come on!" Blossom says as they all shoot up and out of the house.

"Here professor," I say wrapping a cover around him and handing him the rest of the bowl.

"Thanks… Y/n" he gets out with a cough. "Of course sir. I hope the girls are alright out there." I mutter making my way upstairs.

The girls finally found the amiboa bros, and Professor stood pricking them for the cure.

"Here's the antidote." He mutters tired.

"Great." The girls say.

Sick people march in through the front door, healthy ones out the side near the garage. The Professor holds the door of the quarantine chamber open.

I force a smile, looking at the cured family only to start feeling funny myself, "Okay, Amoeba Boys. Thank you for your cooperation. You're free to go." He says with a smile.

"Go?! I thought we were criminals! You locked us up and everything!" One asks confused.

"Well, everything's all right now." The Boys pass him.

Bubble Gum, Buttercups, Blossom flowersWhere stories live. Discover now