Buggy Villians II

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Dusting the table the television was on, I ensure the living room was fully clean for the girls to watch their show tomorrow.

I scream as a thump occurred through the wall, turning around I see a new hole in the wall.

"Sorry Y/n!" Buttercup yells.

I sigh moving on to the upstairs bathroom, I'm still not that use to the girls power. I'll be honest, but if I'm gonna live with it I gotta learn to adapt to Short girls with no fingers and big bug eyes, they are cute though so-.

"Ew! Gross!"

Ignoring a comment from Blossom, I continue to the main hall bathroom. Usually I don't go in here since this is the one the girls use, The guest room and the master bedroom already have their own attached. The girls do have their own bathroom, but it seems to only have a sink in it.

Picking up the clothes hamper on the ground, my eyes catch the cute colored towels hanging in the wall, I'm starting to get the color scheme, it follows the girls eye colors.

Smiling lightly I grab the towels adding them into the dirty clothes basket. I head over to the appliance room and started separating colored clothes from the whites or their underwear.

Which reminds me I've never gotten their actual age, I mean as the only female in the house won't I have to instruct them when their cycle comes? Or does that not occur since they aren't necessarily humans? Geez whatever.

I hum adding some detergent into the mix and starting the colored batch. Making my way downstairs I walk through the halls with commotion occuring to see Professor kneeling in front of the kids.

"It’s the insect inside that’s important." Getting closer I see him holding out his hand, which had a roach on it. "Now, who wants to touch it?" He asks.

This offer causes the girls to recoil in horror and leap screaming into the air.

"mhph!" I was smacked dead in the face by bubble's body.

I attempt to back away from her only for her to stick closer to my face, sighing I wrap my hands around head detaching her.

"What's going on?" I question letting the superheroed girl go as she continued floating by herself.

"Ha, ha, ha! I’ll get a jar." Professional chuckles walking into the kitchen.

"There was a bug!" Bubbles cries out latching back onto my face.

"So I was trying to get rid of it." Buttercup says as I repeat the action of getting bubbles off of me, "Is that why there's a hole in the living room wall?" I question holding bubbles in a cradle like pose.

A smile makes it's way into my face as I get nods, "But professor says we should hurt bugs! Just because they are disgusting on the outside, is only the inside of the insect that matters." Blossom explains, she looks down to me floating besides me as I walk to the door with professor on the front step.

"How do you feel about bugs?" She asks.

I hum gently, "I don't mind them, but we have a well written rule, they get close to me. They die." I say only now realizing what I said in front of them, "I mean- hmm… I never have to because they understand." I say trying to make me sound better only to get a laugh outta buttercup.

"Okay, little guy." Professor says, he lowers the jar and turns it upside down; The girls are around his legs, with Bubbles huddling in fear into my arms. "You’re free to go." He shakes the jar, and the bug drops out.

It twitches its antennae, with the girls watching it's every move.

"Come on, girls. It’s time for bed." Professor says causing them as groan.

Bubble Gum, Buttercups, Blossom flowersWhere stories live. Discover now