Bad things happen to the people you love

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《WARNINGS: abandoning, thinking down of oneself (i believe that is it?)》

Wilbur nervously stood at the front of 'Gutiar Lessons For Kids', he was supposed to be picked up by now. It was getting cold, making Wilbur grateful for his oversized yellow sweater. The sun was also starting to set, painting the sky in beautiful pink and orange colors. Wilbur brushed out some of his caramel brown hair out of his face. Where was his family? Surely they wouldn't forget about him!

"Wilbur, are you sure your father is coming?" His teacher asked him, they looked down at him with pure white eyes, an expression of pity on their face. "Did you tell him, or forget again?"

Wilbur did not like that one day when he forgot to tell his dad that he had Gutiar lessons. It was a warm October day and he remembers crying because he thought his dad forgot about him. But his dad eventually came, although he was 2 hours later. (He also remembers Mr. Eret and dad talking in hushed voices while Wilbur waited in the car, Mr. Eret seemed angry, but Wilbur doesn't like to remember that.) But dad promised it wouldn't happen again! And Wilbur loved and trusted dad, so he was worried. What if something awful happened to dad? And his siblings?!

"Yeah I did...he said he would pick me up.." Wilbur nodded, clutching his gutiar a little tighter as he remembered the morning. 

"Dad, you're going to pick me up after gutiar lessons, right?" Wilbur said, putting on his backpack. 

"Yes, yes whatever Wil, I'm a little busy at the moment!" Phil yelled, turning his attention back towards Tommy. 

(Wilbur pushed back the jelous feeling bubbling in his chest. He ignored the voice that said, "Phil never gives you that attention.")

"Why don't you sit down?" Mr. Eret gently suggested, interrupting the memory that then faded into the back of his mind. 

Wilbur sighed and sat down, softly laying the gutiar down on the concrete next to him. When was his father going to be here? 



Wait, can't he just walk home? Woah, Wilbur was such a genius. 

Wilbur turned his head to look at Mr. Eret, it was colder and the sun had almost completely set, Wilbur figured it was around 6:40, gutiar lessons had ended 30 minutes ago.

"Mr. Eret, can I just walk home, please?" Wilbur asked politely, flashing a smile, shivering as a cold wind swep across. 

"Your 6 years old, Wilbur, maybe that isn't the best idea, besides its getting dark." 

"Please? My house is super close! And d-dad isn't answer the phone calls!" Well, he didn't answer last time and still came. But we don't have to talk about that. 

"Wilbur- I am not letting you do-"

Before Eret could mutter one more word, Wilbur ran away from him, Wilburs gutiar in hand. Wilbur heard his name being yelled but paid no mind to it. That is until he felt a hand on his shoulder, stopping him in his tracks. Wilbur screamed and turned around, squeezing his eyes shut. 

"Wilbur-Wilbur it's just me," Mr. Eret quickly said, taking his hand off Wilburs shoulder. Wilbur opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief that it wasn't just some random person. At least, he was relieved until he realized that he would now have to go back. Wilbur held in a pout. 

"Mr. E-"

"I'll walk home with you," Mr. Eret said with a sigh. "There is no way your walking home yourself."

Wilbur was confused as he tilted his head, letting his grip loosen on his gutiar. "You're letting me?"

"I don't think I'm allowed to hold here you against your will," Mr. Eret admitted, lightly pushing Wilbur forward as the two walked along the sidewalk. "Besides you'll just run away again."

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