Will everybody please give him a little bit of space

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《Warnings: sad Wilbur, toxic adults, disregard of boundaries, dehumanization, hints of child neglect, manipulation

Wilbur held Dr. Elza's hand as she walked him into the lobby. He thinks he might've gripped her hand tighter when they got closer. There were many people in the lobby, so Wilbur wasn't quite sure which one was his new social worker, until a woman came up to him. 

"You must be Wilbur!" The woman said, smiling. She brought Wilbur into an uncomfortable hug.

She was old, and wrinkles were on her face, her skin was pale. Maybe in her 60's? And had obviously dyed blonde hair. She wore a black dress with long sleeves, and a white necklace.

"Yes.." Wilbur gritted out, pushing himself out of the hug. The hug was uncomfortable, and he didn't really want to be touched, especially by strangers. It's not that he doesn't like touch, but touch by random strangers, without permission

"It's quite rude to not hug back," The woman said, crossing her arms. 

It...it was rude? His family never made him hug them back. (But they never really gave Wilbur hugs. Wilbur pushes that thought away, he wasn't thinking of his family. It hurt to think about them, and left him with a bad feeling he couldn't describe.)

"I'm sor-" Wilbur started, before Dr. Elza put a hand on his shoulder. It was firm but gentle at the same time. It kinda felt comforting. Wilbur looked up at her.

"You don't have to apologize, Wilbur." Dr. Elza reassured, smiling gently down at him. She looked towards the woman, her smile fading and her face darkening. "He was shot, you might've hurt his wounds."

Wilbur blinked at her. His shot wound didn't hurt at all. And Dr. Elza knew this. 


Woah. Did that mean that Dr. Elza lied...for him? Wilbur doesn't think that's ever happened to him before. Not even with Mrs. Puffy!

Wilbur looks back at the lady, nodding in agreement. He wasn't going to get Dr. Elza in trouble after all, not after what she did! And she was sticking up for him! 

The woman frowned at Dr. Elza, then looking back at Wilbur. Wilbur doesn't think she really believes the two, but if she does, she doesn't say otherwise. "Oh, I'm sorry. Oh my God! Where are my manners? I'm Isabella Reed, just call me Mrs. Reed."

"'M Wilbur."

Mrs. Reed chuckles, he tone very know-it-all. "I know."

Wilbur silently frowns at the tone, but nods. "Oh....okay. Sorry."

Mrs. Reed smiles. "Well, we better get going. We have a foster home ready for you."

Wilbur's eyes widened in surprise. He had just gotten out of the hospital! From being shot!"Already?"

Dr. Elza gives Wilbur a gentle squeeze on his shoulder. Wilbur looked up at her, seeing her softly smiling down at him. "It'll be okay. Go with Mrs. Reed, Wil,"

Wilbur swallowed but nods, moving away from Dr. Elza. His shoulder felt....cold, without her touch but he decided not to dwell on it. (He ignored how part of him yearned to go back to her, to let himself be held by her. It was childish, and he needed to grow up.) He looked at Mrs. Reed, who was right in front of him.

"What about my stuff?" Wilbur asked. He needed his favorite sweater and he needed Friend, and his guitar.

"It's already been taken, now come on, we don't want to keep your foster family waiting, hm?" Mrs. Reed asked, going behind him and pushing him. Wilbur stiffly nodded, he had been pushed hard. 

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