Prologue - Caitlin

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 Today's the day I move into my new home. Oh, I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Caitlin (L/N) and today I'm moving into my new house in Duskwood. Let me guess you've never heard of Duskwood before, and until three months ago neither had I. I found Duskwood when I was searching for a new place to live, a chance at a fresh start.

So here we are three months later I'm finally moving in. My family helped to ship my belongings to my new address and unpacked everything before I started my drive down, so I have no idea what the inside looks like. My younger brothers Billy, Frank, and Joe have no idea what it looks like either as they will be joining me in Duskwood once they get back from the Hospital. Why were my brothers in the hospital well they were in a skiing accident and are getting their casts taken off. As I look to my right, I pass a sign that says 'Welcome to Duskwood' with 'Historic Forest Area' written beneath it. Before going to the house, I make my way to the grocery store to fill my home with fresh food.

Of course, I got a lot of stares as I was new in town, but I didn't mind people were bound to notice especially in a town this small. As I make my way through the store, I make sure to grab everything I need items such as dairy (milk, cheese, etc.), bread, fruit (cherries, apples, peaches, etc.), plenty of meat (steak, chicken, pork chops, ribs, etc.), one bottle of every spice that's available, toiletries, some clothes including (dresses, shirts, pants, skirts, and lingerie). Along with many other items for the house.

After getting everything, I needed I made my way to the checkout, bag all my items, load them into the shopping cart, and make my way back to my car. Loaded the back seat and trunk of the car with all the groceries, returned the cart to the corral, got in the car, and started to make my way home. Unfortunately, I didn't make it that far as the car broke down just outside of a repair shop called 'Roger's Garage Services'.

Turning off the car and getting out to open the hood to see what was wrong, I didn't notice someone leaving the building and making their way toward me with a look of concern on their face.

?????: Need some help?

Caitlin: (I jumped in surprise) Oh my gosh!!!

?????: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. It looked like you needed some help.

Caitlin: It's alright. I just wasn't expecting anyone to stop and see what the problem was. But yes, I could use some help right now.

?????: Let's get your car into the garage and get the paperwork filled out. I'm Richy Roger by the way, and I'm guessing your new in town.

Caitlin: Nice to meet you, Mr. Roger, I'm Caitlin (L/N) and yes, I just moved here.

Richy: Call me Richy. Now let's see what's going on with your car.

While Richy looked over the car, he had me complete all the necessary paperwork. I should be happy that my car didn't break down on my way to Duskwood. After finishing the paperwork, I wait for Richy to come and tell me what was wrong with the car. And not even a minute later Richy came over to me to give the diagnosis.

Richy: From what I can see the car battery is dead and will need to be replaced. Do you have anyone you can call to pick you up?

Caitlin: I'm afraid not Richy, as it's only me. Looks like I'm going to have to get a ride home or all of my frozen foods are going to go bad.

Richy: Tell you what, why don't I drive you home, and then we can come back and take care of your car? That way you don't have to go back to the store.

Caitlin: Are you sure Richy? Wouldn't you have to close the garage and then reopen it?

Richy: My friend Jessy should return from her lunch break soon.

Caitlin: Alright. I'll take you up on that offer. But on one condition.

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