Prologue - Richy

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Another boring day here in Duskwood as nothing ever happens here. Well unless you count my friend Hannah going missing two days ago. My name is Richy Rogers and I run my dad's repair shop. Work is really slow today and my secretary and friend Jessy is on her lunch break.

A few minutes after Jessy left there was some noise outside. Like a car was on its final journey. Going outside I saw a 2021 GMC Buick and a young woman who I'd never seen before looking under the hood. I couldn't help but notice how beautiful she was, gorgeous brown hair that fell just below her shoulders, hazel eyes that I could get lost in, wearing a light purple long-sleeve tunic top, with black leggings and light purple tennis shoes. I make my way over to see if I could help.

Richy: Need some help?

???????: (She jumped in surprise) Oh my gosh!!!

Richy: I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to startle you. It looked like you needed some help.

???????: It's alright. I just wasn't expecting anyone to stop and see what the problem was. But yes, I could use some help right now.

Richy: Let's get your car into the garage and get the paperwork filled out. I'm Richy Roger by the way, and I'm guessing your new in town?

???????: Nice to meet you, Mr. Roger, I'm Caitlin (L/N) and yes, I just moved here.

Richy: Call me Richy. Now let's see what's going on with your car.

While I got to work on finding what the problem was, I had Caitlin fill in all the paperwork. After a few minutes, I found the problem and made my way over to Caitlin to give her the news.

Richy: From what I can see the car battery is dead and will need to be replaced. Do you have anyone you can call to pick you up?

Caitlin: I'm afraid not Richy, as it's only me. Looks like I'm going to have to get a ride home or all of my frozen foods are going to go bad.

I couldn't believe it when she said that there was no one that she could call to give her a ride home and I couldn't just let her stay here while her frozen goods melted. And I certainly wasn't going to let her go back and forth from the garage to her house, who knows what could happen to her especially since Hannah has gone missing.

Richy: Tell you what, why don't I drive you home, and then we can come back and take care of your car? That way you don't have to go back to the store.

Caitlin: Are you sure Richy? Wouldn't you have to close the garage and then reopen it?

Richy: My friend Jessy should return from her lunch break soon.

Caitlin: Alright. I'll take you up on that offer. But on one condition.

Richy: And what's that?

Caitlin: You let me make you some dinner.

Richy: Alright, you got yourself a deal.

We then started moving all her grocery bags into my car a 1967 Chevrolet Impala and drove to her house. I had no idea that Iris Hanson had sold her house. On the way there the two of us talked about ourselves such as our likes and dislikes. There was one thing however that I didn't understand.

Richy: So why did you decide to move to Duskwood?

Caitlin: After my twin brother Jasper went missing it was really painful because everywhere I looked there was always something that reminded me of him. Our younger brothers will be coming to Duskwood in a few days.

I couldn't believe her brother was missing too. And I could tell by the sound of her voice that she was still hurting from his mysterious disappearance. And she was the only girl in her family.

Richy: I'm sorry about your brother Caitlin. Has there been any progress in finding him? And wow you have four brothers. That can't be easy being the only girl in the family.

Caitlin: Sadly no. And yes it's definitely not easy being the only girl but I wouldn't have it any other way.

We then pulled into her driveway and parked the car, Caitlin went and unlocked the front door came back and together we started bringing in all of the groceries inside. It took about 8 minutes to bring everything inside and another 15 minutes to put everything away (Caitlin took care of all her new clothes). Then we got back in my car and drove back to the garage. Once there I got to work, while Caitlin waited in the lobby. After charging the car's battery I went inside.

Richy: Ok your cars are all set and ready to go. Now let's go and take care of the bill and you'll be good to go.

After taking care of the bill and making sure to give Richy a little extra for the car ride.

Caitlin: What time should I expect you over for dinner?

Richy: The garage closes at 5:00 pm and I should arrive at your place around 5:45 pm.

Caitlin: Then I shall see you around 5:45.

And with that, he left. The rest of the day went by slowly, with Jessy asking me who Caitlin was and I just told her that she just moved here, but not the reason why as it wasn't mine to tell. Once the work day was finished I closed up the garage with Jessy's help and went to the flower shop to get Caitlin some flowers to brighten up her home. I ended up deciding between three different options. The first option was a bouquet of rainbow roses (each rose to be a different color), the second bouquet was made up of red tulips and purple iris' and the third bouquet was made up of blue morning glories, white queen Anne's lace and fern.

I decided to go with option three and went to check out. Once the flowers were paid for I got into my car and started my drive over to Caitlin's place for dinner. By the time I pulled into the driveway, it was 5:43, by the time I reached the house I had 1 minute to get to the front door. Grabbing the bouquet from the passenger seat I exit the car and walked up the pathway to the front door and knocked, a few seconds later the door opened.

Caitlin: Right on time Richy.

Richy: These are for you (holding the flowers out to her). What's that delicious smell?

Caitlin: (taking the flowers and moving back to let me in) Thank you, they're beautiful and that delicious smell would be our dinner.

I enter the house and shut the door behind me. Caitlin lead me to the kitchen/dining room where dinner was waiting and what I saw had me shocked.

Caitlin: For dinner, I have made you a New York strip steak with a Kentucky steak sauce, a fruit salad with orange-vanilla syrup on the side, Blueberry lemonade to drink and for dessert, we have chocolate cake with mocha frosting.

Richy: Wow Caitlin, I know you said that you would make me dinner. But I was not expecting this, this isn't just dinner this is a feast.

As we went to sit down at the table, I pulled a chair out for Caitlin who thanked me and then we sat down to enjoy dinner. Throughout dinner, I couldn't help but compliment Caitlin on how delicious her cooking was, which caused her to blush. Once dinner had finished Caitlin went to stand and get dessert but I stopped her.

Richy: No don't get up I'll get dessert.

Caitlin: Are you sure Richy?

Richy: Yes I'm quite sure.

Caitlin: Okay.

Richy took the plates to the counter and cut the cake, putting a slice on each and bringing them back to the table, and sat back down. Once dessert was finished and dishes washed and dried and Richy was getting ready to leave.

Richy: Thank you so much for the dinner and dessert. If it's alright with you I would like to see you again.

Caitlin: You're welcome Richy and yes I'd like to see you again too.

After that I started the drive home, once there I got tomorrow's clothes ready and got into bed with Caitlin on my mind. I thought about her medium-length brown hair, hazel eyes, athletic figure, her voice, and how I couldn't wait to see her again.

A Duskwood Love Story (Richy)Where stories live. Discover now