Chapter 1 - Strange Text Messages

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    The sound of birds singing awoke me from my slumber and sunlight poured in from behind the curtains signifying the start of a whole new day. Sitting up in bed and stretching my arms and legs I think about what flowers I plan to grow in my garden. I already knew that I wanted to have Morning Glorys, Aster, and Snowdrops in the garden, but I wanted just a few more. Getting out of bed, I got ready for the day, deciding to put my hair up in a bun to keep it out of my face while I worked on the designs for the garden.

Going to the kitchen, I decided to make a breakfast burrito with fresh tomato and creamy avocado, and for my drink, I decided to go with a strawberry and banana smoothie. Just as I was sitting down to eat my phone went off multiple times. Looking down I see a bunch of texts from numbers I don't know, except for Richys of course. How these people, other than Richy, got my number I don't think I want to know, but I feel as though I'm going to find out anyway. According to the group chat these people are Thomas, Cleo, Dan, Lilly, Jessy, and Richy.

Thomas: Hello? Are you there? Uh, Hello. No matter how I put this, it'll sound crazy. I've gone over this so many times in my head. Wait a second.
Caitlin: Hello, who is this?
Cleo: Hello
Jessy: Oh, is that him?
Richy: Hey Caitlin.
Caitlin: Hi Richy.
Dan: Seriously guys? A real genius idea this... and you know this person Richy.
Jessy: Yeah Richy how do you know them?
Lilly: Nevermind that just tell me what the hell you did to my sister!!!

I put my phone down so that I can eat sadly it wasn't long before I had to answer a text that seemed very rude. Something about what I had done to their sister. Seriously you message me and demand things from me when I don't even know what the heck is going on and I said as much in the group chat. As well as how about we meet in person instead of wasting time on the phone? That didn't go over so well with the person who demanded I tell her what I did to her sister. Thankfully Richy who had already met me said that they could all meet at the Bar Aurora as it would be crowded and would make the others feel comfortable being around me.

I had no problems with that as it was near a flower shop and I could go and pick up the flower seeds that I needed for my garden. I told them that I would meet them there after I'd had my breakfast. Of course, I got yelled at through the phone again by this Lilly person and I was glad when Richy stood up for me by telling her to lay off and that they can question me when everyone is at Bar Aurora. Putting my phone down I start to eat my slightly warm breakfast and almost room-temperature smoothie. This was not how I planned to spend my day but if it would get them to leave me alone and stop calling me a kidnapper I was all for going to the Bar Aurora to clear my name.

Ten minutes later I had finished my breakfast and smoothie and placed the dirty plate and glass in the sink to be washed later as I'm pretty sure that Lilly woman would just go off on me for making them wait even longer for me to arrive. Slipping on the sandals I had picked out for the day I texted Richy to the others know that I was leaving my house and would be there in half an hour. Grabbing my purse before I left and locking the door behind me, I walk to my 2021 GMC Buick and got inside ready to start my drive into town. Turning on the Radio I changed the station to my phone to play my audiobook, I was listening to one of my and Jasper's favorite books Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling, currently, I was on chapter 18 'Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs'.

By the time I reached Bar Aurora, I had finished chapter 18 and was in the middle of chapter 19, 'The Servant of Lord Voldemort' and all that was left was for me to go inside and meet Richy and his friends. Stepping out of my car I brace myself for what's about to happen to second I enter the bar and hope that I can at least get some answers as to what's going on. I take a breath before stepping inside the bar, look around, and spot Richy at a table in the very back, I see him turn his head and notice me. He excuses himself from the table and comes over to me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2023 ⏰

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