Join A Fandom

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To trully use the internet to its fullest potential, you need to find a community full of like minded people. This task would be almost impossible without Fandoms, hence why they're important to this guide, as you can't really tell how people act, for example, on an RP gmod server.

If you're a complete begginer, I'd suggest dipping your toes into UNDERTALE, as its lore is far more understandable and far more interesting than the Five Nights At Freddy's lore, which people usually dive into first for some reason, resulting in them counting things that have already been proven wrong as lore.

You want to become as familiar with the lore and characters of said franchise as possible, so when you get asked, you know exactly how to respond, as it would be pretty embarrassing if you started a lore debate and then contributed absolutely nothing.

Once you're familiar with everysingle detail of said franchise, it's time to join your first community! For this I suggest either reddit or discord. Avoid Amino at all cost!

The rest of this guide will be primarily about reddit, but everything should apply to discord aswell.

Now you do as you wish, for now. Post primarily art, lore, or your own AU ideas. Just make sure not to end up having a conversation with a child predator.

Speaking of child predators, block all people sending you revealing photos and, if possible, report to the police.

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