Do As Fandom Says

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Fandoms are like plants. They need water, but not too much or they'll die. What I mean by that is that if there are way too many people in said fandom, the fandom will explode and die. For this reason, all fandoms make these so called "trends". These "trends" are for lowering the number of people inflating the fandoms by making them do stupid shit... And you 100% want to participate in all of them.

Participating in such "trends" is a good way to waste your time and money into something that could potentionally kill you, and if it doesn't kill you, you get a lot of praise, in a form of upvotes, from people on r/nextfuckinglevel.

The bestest thing is that you can come up with your own stupid idea. Like, for example, you can bake a needle into a cookie and give it to a random artist at a convention!

Speaking of conventions, attend all if not most of them. There's always dumb shit happening... I think... I have never attended a convention. The last time I heard of a convention a bunch of furries apparently fucked in the hotel room...

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