Leave Fandom For Blåhaj

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Let's say you have a following now, 100 000 karma on reddit. What do you do with such a fame?

You buy a Blåhaj.

This plush shark is everything you will need in your life. You can get one from your local IKEA or order one online. If you don't have money to buy a Blåhaj, you're lying. Here's evidence:

Make sure to take pictures of your Blåhaj for the free karma and make sure to make a bunch of memes related to your Blåhaj

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Make sure to take pictures of your Blåhaj for the free karma and make sure to make a bunch of memes related to your Blåhaj.

Now, let's take him everywhere around the globe, so your Blåhaj can see all the interesting stuff outside of the swedish land. Let's treat Blåhaj like a human being. Dress him up in different clothes and see which one fits him the most. The possibilites with Blåhaj are endless.

Blåhaj is love. Blåhaj is life.

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