Chapter 22: finding out pt2

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schwoz gave her the gloves he had so her powers won't go crazy. "keep these on so you don't destroy anything or anyone." He said Taylor nods and tries to calm down "I'm sorry I'm just scared and so I'm freaking out and I want to see Henry but I can't!" She screams the screams hits Schwoz's bed and it destroys it "I'm uh sorry" she says chapa walks over to her "hey it's okay we will just have to get schwoz a new bed" chapa says Henry texted schwoz "Hey, can you open the door? I'm trying to get in this place." Schwoz read the text from his phone and sent a text back "Alright I'll open it with my device" he sent the text through and opened the door with the device no one noticed Taylor starts pacing around the room biting on her nails "what am I going to do? How am I supposed to tell him? Am I just supposed to be like oh hey Hen glad to see ya oh ya you're going to be a dad! I don't know how to do this!" She yells shocking the gloves but they are still fine still freaking out

As henry was walking, he heard her words. "you mean we're having a baby?" Henry asked as he started to show a smile. "I'm happy we are." He said as he walked up to her and hugged her Taylor turns around "Henry?!" She says and hugs him back "how?! Why?! When?!" She says as she couldn't make out the words she was trying to say He looked at her and kept his hands on her waist "Well, I was talking with schwoz about this, and I decided to come over." Henry said "Wait you knew? What?" She asks and looks At Schwoz  "did you tell him?!" She asks "No, I didn't tell him all I said that you miss him like crazy and he suggested to come and visit so I helped him come over and I haven't told him anything else." Schwoz says Taylor looks at Henry "I'm glad your here" she smiles and hugs him again
He smiles back and hugged her back again. "I'm glad I'm here too and you are lucky because I asked for 10 months off in dystopia so I can be here for our son or daughter." Henry said "Wait really?!" She says

excitedly and looks up at him chapa smiles "see I told you he wouldn't be mad or break up with you" she says "Why wouldn't I leave her. She's the best thing that happened to me well second best." Henry said. "Actually I said he wouldn't." Ray said Taylor looks at him "second best? Who's the first?" She asks "ya fine you said that but still I was right" chapa says
"Kid Danger." Henry said. "Yeah you were chapa." Jessica said "Oh wait why?" She asks curiously chapa smiles "well actually it was Ray who made me into kid danger and without him I wouldn't have met taylor." He said "Aw babe" she says and kisses him softly "get a room" chapa says jokingly Henry smiled and kissed her back. "It's not like they act like that all the time" Ray says to Chapa "That's so true" chapa says taylor laughs she looks at schwoz "how far along am I?" She asks "Not that far you are a superhero so it might come out today or in a few days." Schwoz said. "what?!" Henry said. "It's a superhero baby that's how long they last" Ray said

"What? I can't I can't believe this!" She says and starts pacing around the room again "I can't have a baby today or a few days! we have nothing planned or anything what are we gonna do? What about baby clothes and a nursery and baby bottles and other things a baby will need!" She says freaking out again and shocking the gloves again but they are still fine
Ray calms her down. "Calm down sweeite" He said. "I can make some baby clothes all I would need is the gender." He said Taylor looks at her "you can?" She asks "and I can help you guys set up the nursery, and get baby stuff it will be okay" chapa says "I can help build the crib. Just stay calm and I'll help you through this process okay." Ray said to calm her down. Taylor nods and walks to Henry and hugs him laying her head on his chest "I'm sorry I'm freaking out I'm just scared what if I'm not a good mom" she says He hugged her back. "you will be a good mom." He said to her. She nods crying "uh this is like the 5th time I've cried today why am I crying so much what's wrong with me" she says wiping her tears

"It's the pregnancy hormones. They make you cry a lot in one day or just really angry." Schwoz said to Taylor "Well I'm doing both today and it sucks I'm either crying or really angry" she says "ya welcome to pregnancy I guess" chapa says "if you need any help I will be here for you. Henry will be here too but me and Chapa will go start working on the nursery and you can figure out names and also your belly grew and it means you gotta find out the gender. The way I learned is if you are really mad all day you are having a boy but if you've been crying it's a girl." Ray explained Taylor nods "I've been crying a lot more then being mad" she says "yes I can't wait to fix the nursery up" chapa says smiling Ray scans through her body and sees the gender of the baby. "and you having a girl Chapa let's go." Ray said Taylor smiles "really we're having a girl hen!" She says exactly chapa nods her head Henry smiled. "that's even better." Henry said as he hugged her Taylor hugs him back "now your going to have 2 girls wrapped around you all the time" she says chapa smiles "congrats guys" she smiles "yeah" Henry said "just hope she likes Disney movies." Ray said
"If she's anything like me she will like some" Taylor says

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