Chaper: 27: cooper Hart

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The next day Jasmine runs to Taylor,Henry and the kids "Mommy can we make cookies?" Jasmine asks. "I've heard baking reduces stress on women especially with kids." Mika says "Ya-" she stops and runs to the bathroom and throws up again "not again" Henry says and walks into the bathroom and holds her hair "I want cookies.." Jazz said. "how about we make them with you?" Bose asks. "What's up with tay?" Chapa asks "maybe she's sick" Mika says "No, Daddy told me she is having another baby. I don't want a sibling." Jazz said, being upset about it. "What? Tay is pregnant again? This soon?!" Chapa says "wow" Mika says Taylor and Henry walks out "hey guys sorry about that" she says "Mommy, Daddy told me your having another baby." Jass said "Ya I am" she says kinda coldly Henry puts his arm around her "I don't want a brother or sister." Jass said sadly "You don't?" She asks Jass shook her head no "Oh okay baby" she says "You're going to love having a sibling. What if you have a brother?" Henry says with his arm around tay and noticed her belly grew. "oh, would you look at that." Henry said. Taylor smiles "a brother is fine but I don't want a sister." Jass said

Taylor nods "well let's hope for a boy then" she says coldly Henry looks at her "why don't you want a sister? Boys are gross and weird no offense Henry." Chapa said Henry smiles "it's fine chapa" he says "Because what if she's mean to me and steals mommy and daddy from me and I don't become their little princess." Jass says "Oh honey that will never happen" Henry tells her A few days pass, and Jass runs around chasing her brother, who is now about the same age as her. They use their lazers to zap each other, and Ray had been gone for a few days Taylor and Henry are on the couch making out Ray texted Taylor to open the door to the man's nest Taylor's phone buzzes but she ignored it "hmm" Henry says and pulls away "babe I love you but you're phone is buzzing it might be important" he says Taylor sighs and looks at it she smiles and gets up and runs to the door and open the door "Hey, guess who used their power again?" Ray said and hugged Taylor "I had to sneak out of something to come over here. I came to see you, Jasmine and Cooper." Ray said

"Daddy! I've missed you!" She says and hugs him tightly Henry walks over and smiles "I've missed you to baby" Ray said and  smiled back at Henry. "alright, let me inside it's a little cold out there." Ray said Taylor pulls away and walks inside a little Ray followed her inside and went upstairs with them. "Papa!" Jasmine said and ran to him after shooting Cooper with her Lazer. She hugged him, and Ray hugged her back as he got down to her level. "Hey, princess." Ray said Cooper stands back a little "mommy! Daddy!" He yells Taylor and Henry runs inside "what's wrong bunny?" Taylor asks cooper runs behind Taylor "who is that?" He asks "oh baby that's papa my daddy you're papaw" she says " I've missed you!" Jasmine asked. "I've missed you too princess" Ray said. Jazz smiled and went to cooper after the hug. "cooper go say hi to Papa. He's really fun to be with." Jasmine said. Cooper walks slowly to him "hi" he said softly Ray went up to Cooper. "hey, I've heard a lot of great things about you. I'm your grandpa, but your grandma isn't here, and I heard you like dinosaurs." Ray took out a stuffed dinosaur to give to him as a gift

"Yay! Mommy look a Dinosaur!" He says "I see that" she says and smiles "hey, he kinda looks like henry a lot." Ray said Taylor nods her slightly "ya he dose" she says smiling "and Jazz looks like Tay" Henry says walking up to her "ya she dose" Ray says and smiles they all went back to the "living room" of the man's nest Jasmine and cooper run off and play together Ray,henry,Taylor and the kids sit round the couch "so dad what did you have to go do?" Taylor asks "oh you know things" Ray says "like what?" Taylor asks Henry looks at Ray "just things I don't have to tell you" he says "no but your going to" chapa says Ray sighs "fine I was fighting Drex" he says "what?! Without us!" Mika says "why?" Henry asks "because I knew Tay was pregnant and the kids were help you two so i decided to fight Drex by myself" tay says Taylor sighs "well you should have told us" she tells him "ya I know anyray what's been going on with you guys?" He asks "nothing much just give birth to your grandson and you weren't here" taylor says "I'm sorry tay but Drex had to be stopped" Ray says "ya I know I'm just saying" she says 

A few hours pass and everyone is watching genuine moments Cooper and Jasmine were asleep and it was late Taylor gets up after the episode ended "hey guys it's late we need to go to bed alright come on get up" she says "uh fine" chapa says and gets up they all went to their houses Schwoz and Ray went to their rooms Henry picks up Jasmine while Taylor picks up cooper they walks to the tube the door slides down "down the tube" henry whisper the tube goes down they walk out Taylor walks into cooper's room Henry walks in Jasmine's room they put them in their beds and cover them up "good night buddy" taylor says and kisses coopers forehead "goodnight princess" henry whispers and smiles they walk out of the kids room and walk into their room they got changed and went to bed

(I don't know what else to write in this story! This is the end)

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