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june was sitting in her bed braiding her hair she heard a knock at her door "come in" said june "hey" said jack walking in he noticed her face she looked like she had been crying all day "i bought you flowers and food" said jack putting the flowers on her desk
"i didn't know what your favourite candy was so i just got a couple different things" said jack "aww you didn't have to" said june "oh woah your room is cool" said jack getting distracted looking around her room june grabbed his jumper "oh yeah here's your jumper" said june "oh thanks" said jack looking at all her vinyls "the 1975" said jack smiling "yeah you like them" said june walking next to him he nodded "you have every taylor swift album on vinyl" said jack "yeah i love taylor swift" said june "witch one's your favourite" said jack pointing to all her vinyls "probably taylor swift lover album or folkore i love folkore" said june smiling "have you ever listened to taylor swift" said june "kind of i mean im not a huge swiftie but i know songs" said jack "no way i thought you would of been the biggest swiftie your so taylor swift coded" said june laughing jack smiled june put the lover album on her vinyl player she skipped the first song (a/n: i'll probably get hate for this but whatever the only skip on lover is i forgot you existed) june sat on the bed her back against the wall listening to the lyrics to cruel summer jack was humming alone to the song sitting next to her june smiled "i've heard this one" said jack "it was on the summer i turned pretty" said jack causing june to smile and nod she loved the summer i turned pretty she had read the books so many times and watched the show 100 times "yeah it is" said june "this one is on the show as well" said jack as lover played on the vinyl player

it got to the last song of the album daylight "i love this one" said june getting up to turn the vinyl
player up the song as she hummed the beat

"And I can still see it all In my mind All of you, all of me Intertwined I once believed love would be Black and white But it's golden" played on the vinyl junes head was in jacks lap as he brushed her hair with his hand she had felt upset all day and for some reason when she was with jack everything went away she felt happy and safe she was listening the song she could hear jack humming along "hey june" said matt opening the door june sat up "oh shit sorry i didn't mean to interrupt" said matt going to close the door "no it's fine" said june "i just needed my phone" said matt grabbing it off her dresser june smiled at him as he left the room

later that night
"do you want to watch a movie" said june as her and jack walked to her room "yeah sure" said jack "i remember you said that you've never seen the tom holland spiderman" said june jack nodded "we can watch them" said june grabbing her laptop "you know you would make a pretty good spiderman" said june getting in the bed "yeah" said jack june nodded he smiled at her

june was leaning on jacks shoulder watching the movie june couldn't help but wonder why jack was still friends with her after the article especially since he hasn't really known her why he was sitting in her bed next to her because anyone else would of never talked to her again "jack" said june lifting her head off his shoulder "yeah" said jack "why are you still friends with me" said june "what are you talking about" said jack "well i mean you haven't known me that long and then all that stuff came out about me anyone else would of left by now but your sitting next to me in my bed" said june she had tears in her eyes jacks heart broke "oh june" said jack pulling her in closer to him "i've known you long enough to know you aren't all those things she was saying you might of done drugs and everything but your clearly not like that anymore" said jack "you might hear this often but i'm proud of you for putting up a fight everyday and getting yourself better" said jack as he held her face in his hands june started crying "june your the sweetest girl you deserve the world and i'm sorry this is happening you don't deserve any of it" said jack as he wiped her tears on her cheeks with his thumb giving her a sad smile "thank you jack" said june laying in his arms "i'll always be here for you june we are stuck together now" said jack looking at her june wanted to kiss him so bad but it felt so wrong "stuck like glue" said june "exactly" said jack laughing (a/n WHY IS THIS SO AWKWARD TO READ😭)

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