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"wait so how come we all are going back to la already" said nick "laura said you guys have some important meeting or something like that and i need to get this last song on my album finished" said june "she will be back home tomorrow but everyone else is going back to la today" said matt "thank you matt" said june "wait so your here alone" said chris "what no jack is staying with me" said june "oh" said chris "anyways what should we do today for the last day" said matt "let's just spend the day here i mean we are at a lake house and we haven't even gone in the lake" said luka "i agree" said chris "im down" said nick "ok well me and jack are going to shops to get food and stuff who's coming" said june everyone walked away "rude" said june jack laughed

"so what do we need" said jack following june with the shopping cart "i think just a bunch of food for today and then we need to get dinner for tonight i'll cook something unless you want to order something" said june jack smiled "your literally the best cook so" said jack "i guess i'm cooking then" said june "i think so" said jack june smiled at him before quickly kissing his lips "oh shit we need to get nick sour gummy worms don't let me forgot" said june "what why" said jack "i lost a bet to nick and now i owe him a bag of them" said june "what" said jack to himself as june started walking away

june and jack walked into the backyard of the lake house "oh shit i forgot something in the car" said june running back "do you want me to come with you" said jack "no i'm fine you go i'll be there soon" said june running to the car june walked back into the backyard "THEY FOUND WATER BALLOONS AND WATER GUNS" yelled jack as he was dripping water june laughed "yeah i know why do you think i needed to get something out the car" said june laughing "YOU KNEW" said jack "no but i saw them all run and hide so i knew they up to no good" said june

june was laying on a beach towel on the grass in a swim suit while everyone was swimming in the lake or just running around the yard "hey" said jack putting his head on her stomach "ew your all wet" said june "that's what she said" said chris walking past them june rolled her eyes jack laughed "what you doing" said jack "i was reading a book" said june "yeah what book" said jack "better than the movies" said june as she moved his wet hair out his face "no way" said jack "what" said june laughing "i was just looking at maybe putting in an audition to play wes" said jack "holy shit jack you would be perfect to play wes" said june "really" said jack "have you even read the book" said june "uhh not yet" said jack june rolled her eyes "you know if you want the role your going to have read the book idiot" said june "yeah yeah i know" said jack "i'll have to borrow your book" said jack smiling "yeah" said june smiling back at him "your really pretty you know" said jack "you've told me that 1000 times jack" said june as her face went bright pink "i know and it still makes you nervous everytime" said jack june rolled her eyes

june was laying on a beach towel on the grass in a swim suit while everyone was swimming in the lake or just running around the yard "hey" said jack putting his head on her stomach "ew your all wet" said june "that's what she said" said chris walk...

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𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 (𝒋𝒂𝒄𝒌 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒊𝒐𝒏)Where stories live. Discover now