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june woke up the next morning and jack wasn't there anymore he didn't tell her he was leaving she tried to call him to check if he was ok but he wouldn't answer  she thought she did something wrong maybe when she fell asleep on his shoulder it was to far and he got annoyed she was so confused

the only smart one🥸 - luka
the rainbow🤗 - ivy
taylor swift 2.0😍 - june

core 3😻

taylor swift 2.0😍
are you guys busy

the rainbow🤗
i've gone to visit my family sorry babes

the only smart one🥸
i'm at home why

taylor swift 2.0😍
i wanted to hangout to keep my mind off jack and the triplets went out

the only smart one🥸
i'm bored so i'll be over soon

the rainbow🤗
hanging out without me again dude😔

taylor swift 2.0😍

the rainbow🤗

june had finally gotten ready for the day "JUNE" said luka "LUKA" said june hugging him "so what do you want to do because i need some more content for my vlog" said june "maybe lunch because i'm dying of starvation" said luka "sounds good" said june "your driving" said june throwing him the car keys

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user9284747 not that crazy bitch in the corner

user2737374 i thought you knew better then to hangout with her

they walked around a for a little while before they decided to go back to pick madi up and go to the beach "your telling me he just left" said madi "well not really i went to sleep and he was there and then i woke up and he was gone" said june "stop worrying he's probably just caught up with something" said luka "hopefully" said june

the 3 sat together on the a bench at the beach june couldn't help but feel like she was 3rd wheeling even though madi and luka weren't together it was clear they both liked each other and it was driving her insane for some reason it made her miss and think about jack more madi got up to go to grab something out the car "can you just confess your love for each other your killing me" said june "what if she doesn't like me" said luka "open your eyes luka she likes you babes" said june as her phone went off


hey you were gone when i woke up

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