Chapter 6 (Jayden)

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I wake up the next morning with a major headache. Emily left around 5 or so, and we are at the best point in our relationship so far. I talked to her on the phone until she got home just to make sure that she was okay and made it home safe. She means so much to me I couldn't ever possibly lose her. In 2 more months, we would find the sex of the baby and I just can't wait. Isecretly wanted a boy but, I would never tell. Even if it is to be a girl, I can spoil her. She would be as beautiful her mother, and that is fine with me. I would have the two most beautiful girls in the world with me for the rest of my life.

I roll out of the bed and walk into the kitchen. I look over at the calender and realize that tomorrow is school. "Great," I groan. 4 more credits and I'll be out so, I can't complain too much. I walk back to my room.

I check my phone and there is a text from a wierd number. I ignore it. I get these all the time.

Emily text me and said that Jordan isn't back and that his phone is off. Her dad died 3 months to the day after me and her were together.Jordan had been her rock,as she liked to call him, and when he was upset with her she told me that she felt as if her heart was breaking. I knew that he would come back though; If not for her, for Grayson. He always did.

Tonight, I was going out with the boys from the baseball team. We were supposed to be throwing a party but, that all got cancelled. It's a good thing , because I didn't want Emily there. She didn't need to be around the drugs and liquor that would be there tonight. There was no chance in hell that I was letting that happen.

I go take a shower and get ready. Tonight was going to be crazy. I could already tell.


I arrive at Eli's house, that's where it was all was to go down tonight, and there was a shit load of cars outside. I thought that the party was cancelled? Fuck. Emily was going to be pissed at me. I unbuckle my seatbelt and walk inside.

The smell of liquor and marijuana from outside the house is crazy. It's like a cloud of haze. I'm pretty sure I've just recieved my first contact high.

When I walk in, I'm greeted by a load roarof "ayeeeeee's" that soon died down.

The first person I notice is Bo. He's probably the only other senior I hang out with. He's my homeboy. We started out on the same rec team, and we're still best friends now.

The next person I notice is Kara. What she did next totally took me for a spin.

"Hey Jayden! I'm soooo glad you came!" I could smell it on her breath, she was drunk out of her mind. I nodded her way with a faint smile. "Well where are you going? Come dance with me!" She was getting louder and had me by my shirt tail. "Ummm, I'm okay. I've got to go do something real quick but, I'll be back." "Well, I'll just go with you!" "I don't think that's a great idea, Kara. Stay here. You're drunk." "I haven't been drinking silllllly." She threw herself onto me. "You're sooo funny. You know that?" "Thanks.. I guess?" I was puzzled. Why couldn't she see that I didn't want her to come along? She followed anyway.

We headed to the back. I just needed to pick up my glove from Eli's room then I was leaving. I didn't want to disappoint Emily more than she would already be.

I grabbed my glove and turned around. Before I could even get my balance, Kara pulled my head into hers. She kissed me as we fell onto the bed.

I look up and there was Bo. He just looked at me and shook his head.

Holy fuck. What just happened?

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