The surprise

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"Dylan's here" you hear your mom yell up the stairs.
"Ok be down in a minute."
You are finishing up your makeup for your date with Dylan. When you finally finish up, you notice a huge stain on your beautiful sundress. You run to your room quickly and go through your closet looking for your other sundress. You finally find it and you take off the other one and while you are put the other one on you here your mom yell "Are you almost ready?"
After you have it on you look at yourself one more time in the mirror. You finally decide you look good and grab your bag and head down the stairs. Dylan finally see's you and says jokingly "Man you sure take a long time to get dressed." and then winks at you.
"Oh shut up" you say laughing.
"Happy 2 year anniversary babe" he says and then gives you a kiss.
"Happy anniversary"
Dylan takes your hand and you guys start walking towards the beach. "You look beautiful." Dylan says.
"Thank you baby" you say blushing
"You still blush whenever I compliment you." He says laughing
"Sorry I can't help it" you say laughing too.

The rest of the way was silent but every now and then he would gently squeeze your hand and you would squeeze back. You finally get to the beach and he asks if you are hungry because he brought a picnic. You sit down with him and start eating. After you were done eating he packed the food away and asked if I wanted to walk with him for awhile and just talk.
"May I ask you a few questions?" He asks after a while.
"Ya sure" you answer back
"What is your favorite color?"
"Blue, like the ocean and sky"
"Ok, who is your favorite person?"
"Well of course you."
"Haha just checking. Anyways how many kids do you want?"
"About 4-5"
"How many more years do you want to wait for before you get married?"
"I don't know why?"
"Just wondering"
"Well I haven't really thought about it."
"Ok well onto the next and final question."
He stops you and turns to you and pulls something out of his pocket but you can't see what it is. "I have enjoyed these last two years with you and I want to live the rest of my life with you. He gets down on one knee. "Y/N will you marry me?"
"Yes" you say through a sob.
He puts the ring on your finger and then stands up and kisses you. You kiss for the longest time. You go back to the blanket and sit back down. He puts his arm around you and you put your head on his chest. You put your hand on his chest and admire your ring. He starts stroking your hair and you start talking about the wedding.

Ok so that's the end of it. I hope you enjoyed it. Please leave a comment. Have a wonderful day.

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