The emergency

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You are about 4 months pregnant and you decided again not to find out what gender the baby was. You are cooking lunch for when Dylan comes home and all of a sudden you hear a thud and then a scream come from Mel's room. You run as fast as you can to her room and see Mel on the ground unconscious.
"Mel, baby, wake up." You yell. You look at your 3 year old to see if she is still breathing. You are a little less worried as you see that she is still breathing.
"Mel, honey, wake up." You say again but she wouldn't wake up.
You start crying. "Mel please wake up! I know you are still alive, just wake up." Just then you hear Dylan calling saying, "Y/N, where are you?"
"I'm in Mel's room. Hurry!! Mel is unconscious!!" You say through a sob. You hear Dylan running down the hall. Next thing you know he is next to you.
"Mel, honey, it's daddy. Wake up." Dylan says.
"I've tried everything. She won't wake up. She is still breathing though." You say as you start sobbing. Dylan picks up Mel and says, "I'm going to take her to the couch and try to get her to respond. You call 911."
While you are riding in the ambulance Dylan asks you, "What happened?"
"I don't know. I was cooking lunch while she was playing in her room and then I heard a big thud and a scream. I ran into her room and she was laying on the floor unconscious" you say and then start to cry "I'm the worst mother in the world."
"No your not. It's not your fault." Dylan says and grabs your hand and squeezes it gently.
"Yes I am. If I was in there this wouldn't have happened." You say as you pull your hand away.
"It's not your fault." He says
The rest of the way to the hospital it was silent. Both you and Dylan are holding one of Mel's hands. When you final make it to the hospital they run her in and do a CT scan. While you are waiting for all the tests to be done, you and Dylan are talking. You stop talking and then start crying. Dylan holds you closely, stokes your hair, and says, "It'll be ok. It's not your fault."
The doctor finally comes and says that you can come see your daughter. As you walk into the room you start crying because you see all the stuff she is hooked up to. You run over to Dylan, who holds you closely. About 5 minutes later you are sitting next to her bed, stroking her hair, and talking to her. About 25 minutes later the doctor comes in. "Will she be ok?" You ask.
"She will be fine. But she has a major concussion and is in a coma right now. I don't know how long she will be like this or if she will ever wake up."
You start sobbing again as Dylan walks over to you. As soon as he is right next to you, you jump up and into his arms and start sobbing. He strokes your hair softly.
"I am deeply sorry about your daughter ma'am, but I have to ask you a few questions." The doctor says.
"Ok" you say as you sit down.
"First off what is her full name?"
"Melody Joy O'brien"
"Ok..." He says as he writes it down. "And how old is she?"
"She just turned 3."
"Ok and how did this happen?"
"Well, that's the thing we don't know. I was cooking lunch waiting for Dylan to get home, and then I heard a thud and a scream. I ran into Mel's room and I saw hear laying on the floor unconscious."
"Does she have a bed that is sort of high off the ground or any toys she could climb on and fall off and hit her head?"
"No not off the top of my head... Oh wait yes she does. We got her a swing for her 3rd birthday. It's sort of high off the ground. I bet she was playing on it and fell off."
"Ok that is all I need, thank you. You are welcome to go home and pack a bag and stay here for as long as you want or you can come during the day and stay with her."
"Ok. Thank you Dr. Johnson." You say as you get up to shake his hand
"Your very welcome and I hope she will get better soon."
Dylan heads home to pack bags and bring Mel's blankey. He finally comes back with the bags and a lunch. As you both eat you watch Mel to make sure she is ok. Then after lunch you read your book while Dylan unpacks and covers Mel with her blankey.

You eat dinner and it is very quiet.
"What are you think about?" Dylan asks.
"How if I was there this wouldn't have happened."
"Like I have told you, it's not your fault." Dylan says
"I know but I wish I could do something about it."
"I know babe. Me too. But all we can do is pray."
"Ya I know."
The rest of dinner was silent. When you are finished eating you read while Dylan goes out to do a shoot for his next movie. Dylan finally gets home around 11:00 and heads to bed. "Goodnight babe. I love you." He says as he kisses you.
"Goodnight. I love you too."
It's around mid-night when you finally decide to go to bed. You change into your pajamas and kiss Mel on the forehead. You climb into bed and go to sleep.
I hope you enjoyed it.

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