Ch10: Falling apart again

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19 years old

Y/n POV:

I've been with hailee for a few months and i'm loving every moment of it. She's so beautiful I could stare at her all day. I was at my house chilling thinking if I should go see her. I haven't spoken to her for quite a while, I think I should check in on her just to see how she's going.

Hailee POV:

Your breathing hitched in your throat as you stared at the small stick in your hand. You couldn't believe it. Two pink lines had just appeared on the screen.

You were in absolute denial. You and Y/n were being so careful. Or at least you thought you guys were. You turned the test over and began to shake it. You refused to believe that you were pregnant. Its not that you weren't happy,its just that you and your boyfriend never really discussed the idea of having a child that often. Your mind wondered how he was going to react when he found out about the child you both would now be expecting a child and he was only fucking 19!

"This is actually happening." You whispered as you set the test down before running a hand through your hair. You got up and walked over to the sink then turned it on. Cupping some cool water in your hands,you put it on your face. Then someone knocked on the door. You hurried to turn the water off then grabbed a small towel then dried your face. After drying your face you went out of the bathroom to see who was knocking at your door. Opening the door you were faced with your boyfriend, Y/n Walt.

"Hey babe." He said happily giving you a peck on the lips.

"Hey Y/n." i mumbled with a small smile.

"Can I come in?" He asked with a small laugh. You quickly nodded your head before moving to let him inside,then closed the door once he did.

"So...what brings you by?" You say nervously.

"Am I not allowed to visit my amazing girlfriend?" He asked crossing his arms.

"Yeah I guess." You mumbled trying to avoid making eye contact with him.

"Are you okay?" He asked with concern.

"Yes. Why wouldn't I be?" You said plastering a fake cheery smile on your face. On the inside you were scared. The fact that you would have to tell him eventually that he was going to be a father.

"Okay good because get ready because we are going out." He said while wrapping his arms around you then placing a kiss on your lips. The kiss made you think will he treat you the same once you told him about the baby or would he not even want to be apart of the baby's life at all. As you two broke apart you place your head on his chest. Taking in the embrace you two were in because there was a chance that it could be the last if he decides he doesn't want to be with you.

"Okay." You said with a smile. 'I guess I can tell him later.' You told yourself.

"Okay well I'm going to go use the restroom first then we will go okay?" He said then went over into the bathroom. Then it hit you. You didn't throw he test away.

"Hailee what is this?" Y/n asked you coming out of the bathroom with the test in his hands.

"Um....I'm pregnant." You said to him with a small smile. He dropped the test and walked over to your bed and sat down,letting out a heavy sigh. There was a long moment of silence which had made you frown and assume the worst. He was angry.

"Hailee you know i'm only 19" He said looking at you as he was sounding like he was about to cry.

"I know Y/n and I completely understand if you want to leave and never see me again." You said with a sad voice,sitting next to him on the bed.

"AHH! Hailee, I don't think I'm cut out for this, I think we have to break it off. I just can't handle it." He said taking your hands into his. I retracted my hands from him and glared at him with tears in my eyes.

"I'm scared how people will react" he said tilting his face down.

"WELL YOU SHOULD OF THOUGHT TWICE ABOUT USING CONDOMS IF YOU WANTED TO FUCK ME" I said falling onto the ground, my back to the ground, hugging my knees.

"Fuck, hailee! I can't I'm only 19 and your fucking 25, what do you expect?". "I can help you with finances and looking after him but I just can't handle having a relationship with you anymore"

"NOO, I want my child to have a full time father in his life. I don't want him having to say bye to one parent every drop off and pick up" I said standing up again. "Tell me the fucking reason why you don't want to be with me"I yelled at him.

"I'm still in love with her hailee!!, I'm still in love with Jenna. I love her."

Few months later

Few months later

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Jenna POV:

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Jenna POV:

"Jen guess what" Ava said. "Y/n's having a baby" Ava said. As she said that I stood up and said"WHAT THE FUCK". "I better not be with hailee" i said. "It is!" Ava said. What the fuck, honestly my best friend and my ex get to together and are now having a fucking baby.

I regret pushing him out the door, yelling at him, pushing him away and breaking up with him. I regret it all but this has gone to far, imagine how awkward it's going to be on set now that me and him are filming a movie together which I just found out today. "FUCK!" I yelled as hard as I could.

Ava had to go and I was a bit sad since she's the only friend I got and maybe my cast. "Hey Jenna are you ok" my mom asked "not really I miss y/n a lot" I said in a sad tone. "We all do Jenna but whatever happened between you two must of been very hurtful for you two, the last time I've seen him was last year" my mom said. "I know mom it was"I said while going in to hug my mum. "What about Aaliyah you guys seem distant"as soon as my mom said that I froze. "Umm...she...just had something to do with it, it ok mom you don't need to worry"

I said walking off. I know I couldn't lie to my mum so the only way was to run away from her and lock my self in my room. In the next few days the cast of this movie I'm filming is going to have a meet up to meet each other and I'm really nervous seeing Y/n again.

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