Ch18: Us

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Author: Sorry for leaving yous hanging. Busy week. Thank you for being patient really appreciate it. As my reward I wrote a long chapter that is full of surprises so enjoy. (sorry for any mistakes in there)

20 years old

Y/n POV:

The call when silent and that's when I realised she ended the call.

She likes me....
She likes me.
I jumped out of bed and started cheering. Tom need me and came running into the bedroom. "WHAT!" He yelled matching my volume. "She likes me Tom!, She likes me!" I said still jumping around like a kid. "Wait!, Wait! What?" Tom said looking at me in total disbelief.
"Did you fucking hear me. She fucking likes me, she told me on the phone" I said calming down and flopping on the bed. "Dude congrats, see all you have to do is listen to me" Tom said with a smile. "Fuck you" i said playfully.

"Take her for dinner or something" Tom gave an idea. "Tom!, your so smart" i said giving him a hug. "Woah, I know I'm smart but I don't think I deserve a hug" Tom said laughing. "Whatever you say" I responded.

This was the moment I dreamed of but I don't understand why she would like me when she is with someone already, wouldn't that be considered cheating. I decided to call someone for some advice cause I know Tom ist just gonna fucking laugh and make jokes.

Me: Yo sis
Ella: What do you want Y/n
Me: Just need some girl advice
Ella: I'm listening
Me: Ok so... I just found out that Jenna likes me but she's already seeing someone.
Ella: Woah, Ok...
Ella: Well, what are you trying to do
Y/n: I wanna ask her out
Ella: You asked the right person, ok so firstly you guys already dated so where was you first date
Y/n: It was on boat. A really nice one
Ella: Ok take her there, make it look like you miss the old times of when you two dated. It makes it more romantic if you know what I mean
Y/n: Ok gotcha ya
Ella: Wait her birthdays coming up, right?
Y/n: Oh yea
Ella: Take her the day before her birthday, do it at night  until 12pm so you to can celebrate, maybe give her a birthday kiss as her first present before her other gifts. And finally... Don't screw it up. Anything else?
Y/n: No, Thank you so much, I actually don't know what to do without you
Ella: My pleasure
Y/n: Tell mum the news and tell her I said hi and I love her
Ella: You got it, cya
Y/n: Bye

Ok Y/n Don't screw up, I need to remember that.

I left Tom's house and drove back home. I decided to try and call Jenna because I want talk to her. I ring her and the phone answers but it doesn't sound like her

Y/n: Who is this?
???: Asher who are you?
Y/n: Y/n
Asher: Oh your Jenna's ex
Y/n: And you Jenna's boyfriend
Asher: Correct, So why you calling
Y/n: To speak to Jenna...
Asher: I don't think she wants to talk to you right now
Y/n: Hey, this isn't your fucking phone anyways, why you on it
Asher: Cause I'm her boyfriend perhaps
Y/n: Man fuck you
Asher: Fuck yo-

I hang up on him before he finished his sentence not wanting to hear another word from that asshole. I guess he doesn't know that me and Jenna are cool now but he can continue to live in the dark cause he's a fucking nobody to me. Anyways...

(2 days before Jenna's birthday/25th September)

Ok so today my plans are to, ask Jenna out then if she says yes I will need to hire a private cruise. I got Jenna's apartment address from Tom (Aka my spy now) so I can deliver the message in person.

I drove to her apartment hoping her stupid boyfriend is home to curse me out about our call the other. I brought some flowers for her to on the way there. I arrived at her apartment and got out the door, I walked towards the door and rang the door bell.

Jenna ortega x male reader[Love in the making]Where stories live. Discover now