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Two years had passed since Uhtred's enslavement and the discovery that his daughter was alive, and in that time, Liv had become ruthless. she had injured many of Kjartan's men when he put them against her to see if she was as dangerous as he believed her to be at eighteen years old. She was kept within the walls of Dunholm, where both Kjartan and Sven could keep a watch over her, believing if she had the chance she would leave, but Liv would never leave Thyra, not alone. Ragnar the younger had found Uhtred, and they were planning on taking Dunholm, unaware that Liv resided within.

Liv was sharpening her sword, as she saw Kjartan.

The dawn had broken, with Uhtred and his men invading Dunholm, as Ragnar and his men rammed the gate, as Liv grabbed her sword, as she quickly began fighting, before she saw Sihtric, as she moved to stand back to back with him, "You're on our side?" He asked, surprise filling his voice, as Liv looked at him, "You thought I was on his side? Kjartan took everything from me." She hissed, as she fought his men, before she helped Steapa open the gate, as Ragnar and his men entered, as she heard Kjartan yelling, as she found him, as she joined the shieldwall.

"Liv Uhtredsdottir! I will cut your heart out!" Kjartan yelled, as she smirked, "Make the square, and we will see." She retorted, as the square was made, as Ragnar faced Kjartan, before killing him, as Uhtred looked at Liv, who dropped her sword, allowing him to pull her into a hug, before Brida pulled her daughter into a hug, kissing her head, "We thought we lost you, we thought you were dead." Brida spoke, as Liv nodded, "I know, but I'm alive." She whispered, before she saw Thyra leave the building where the cells were, as she ran to her aunt, who looked at both Ragnar and Uhtred, "You left us. You left us at the hands of these animals!" Thyra yelled, as she grabbed the dagger from Liv's side, as Beocca stood in front of them.

"Thyra! We thought you were dead, we didn't know that you both lived, if we did, we would never have stopped looking." Uhtred spoke, as Beocca looked at them, "You do not know me, but I know them, and what they say is true." He spoke, before Thyra screamed, dropping the dagger, as she left, returning to her cell, as Ragnar looked at his niece.

"You were trained well." He spoke, as Liv smiled softly, as she sheathed her sword, and placed her dagger back in its sheath, as she looked at her uncle, "Sihtric trained me, Kjartan wanted to use me to kill you, but I couldn't." She whispered, as he pulled her into a hug, kissing her head, before Hild looked at her, "Your father talks of your childhood with pride, he is proud of you." She said, as Liv smiled.

Sihtric and Liv embraced, before she pulled away, and hit him, "That is for leaving me alone for two years." She spoke, before she turned her head to look at Finan, "I do not know you." She spoke, as Finan cleared his throat, "Finan, lady. My name is Finan." He said, as she hummed, "Liv." She simply stated, as they celebrated.

The festivities went on, before Liv decided that she would go with her father, she didn't want to stay in Dunholm, there were too many memories there, as she mounted her horse Arlo, as Thyra rode with Hild, as they left Dunholm, with them travelling to Winchester, where Uhtred would be gifted land, in Coccham, where they would reside for three years.

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