{14} Chaos or Order

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Liam is done saying his day has been good. Because every single time he has said it, bad things have happened. So he just decided that today was going to be the opposite of a good day. Because maybe that's how it works. It's like reverse psychology.

Okay, maybe not exactly how it works, but hey you've got to try something.

Liam gets out of his free period when he sees Josh hanging by his locker. He couldn't help but scoff. This is why he said he can't have a nice day. He tries to ignore any anger or frustration that was building underneath him. He takes a deep breath as he starts to walk towards his locker.

Josh notices the boy from the corner of his eyes as he walks up. He smiles, leaning off of the locker. "Hey," he says toward the blonde.

"Hey." Liam nudges him slightly, motioning him to move out of the way. Josh moves, and leans against the locker next to Liams. Liam opens his locker and gets his books out, picking which ones he needs for his next class. He hears a cough and looks slightly to his left at where Josh is standing.

"Did I do something wrong?"

Liam knew that was coming. He closes his locker door a little too harshly for the people in the hallway. Theo watches from the end of the hallway. Once he saw Josh's smirk, he was about to intervene. But, Brett holds a hand in front of him, motioning him to stop.

Liam turns to Josh as he slings his bag over his shoulder. "No, Josh. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Then why did you run off? Your dad also said that you don't want me to be your tutor. Is there a reason?"

"Yes," he answers almost immediately. "There is a reason. I just wasn't exactly comfortable."

"With me?"

"With anyone."

Well that was a lie. He was comfortable - with one person. But that person couldn't talk to him right now. He didn't know why, but he knew that he couldn't get involved with Theo right now. As much as he really wanted to.

"Well, if you're not comfortable with me being your tutor, how about with me being your date to Homecoming?"

Liam scoffs at the question. Seriously? "You think you can make me more comfortable by taking me to a school dance than by studying during a tutoring session?" Josh just nods, smirking at the young boy.

It was a challenge, Liam could tell. And he was sure as hell not going to back down from it. Liam smirks at the taller boy standing in front of him and laughs. "Fine. But don't expect me to wear a suit. I'm not a fancy dress kind of person."

Josh smiles. "Sure. Thanks, Liam, for trusting me."

Liam doesn't respond with words. Just a quiet little nod as the taller leaves Liam's locker. Liam follows Josh's movements as he walks off. His smirk ends up falling into a frown when he sees Josh walking over to Theo. He leans into the werewolves ear and starts whispering something to him. Liam can't hear what he's saying, but he said something to piss Theo off.

Liam understood that Theo probably heard everything. He probably heard that Josh asked Liam to Homecoming, and he had said yes. Liam turns towards his locker.

"Theo, I know you can hear me," he says in a small whisper. "Please, don't be upset with me. I felt bad, okay. I just... ran out on him. And I know he's not going to leave me alone if I had said no." He looks over at Theo. The werewolf was still mad. Liam could tell that Theo's eyes were gonna start glowing any minute now. "Theo, do you trust me?"

That seems to snap Theo out of it as he looks at Liam from across the hallway. Of course Theo trusted Liam. He would be a hypocrite if he said he didn't. Theo nods his head.

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