1.Shatter Me

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Hello ! I'm finally uploading the first chapter after battling with myself hope you all like it, If you like it do support , share, follow add to your library and give me a shout out, Thank you <3

Author's Pov

New York

"Fuck, die already its pissing me off to point I want to split each and every god damn nerve of yours" The feminine voice talked to her phone loud enough, which displayed a fictional world she has been obsessing lately.

She was unbothered by the attention of judgment she was getting by the people around her and the chapter comes to an end she click on the next chapter only to find out a notice posted just a couple of minutes ago.

"Sorry You'll I wouldn't be continuing this novel because I have no idea how to end to be honest I never though who will be the killer I would just let you guys paint your own ending and this novel is held deep meaning too me as You'll showed so much love and support to this one, hope you support my decision again I am really sorry" 
~Rory Dickenson 

"Wait till I murder you and turn it into your novel ending" She muttered to herself and made a mental note 'not to read unfinished novel no matter how much hype it received' 

"Miss Scarlett  Alvarez, you are up next" Calls out the receptionist, she existed the fictional world as the real world gave her a reality check she proceed to pocket her phone, 

she exhales the frustration and disappointment that she spent nearly two days of binge reading the legendary mystery book of all the time the book came out three years ago and every year new edition is released ever since the first edition she have been obsessed with the novel "Murder me, Please"  nevertheless she pushes her muscles to walk up to the doctor's chamber.  

A blue X-ray sheet which is held out to the sun-backed summer's rays, it revels her multiple X-rays of her.

It is carefully examined by a doctor in his late twenties who looked appealing in his light blue scrubs, He sighs and slides the X-ray on his white desk in-front of him and look up to his patient who has nil interest she gets herself busy by twisting a Rubik's cube which was on the desk.

"Scarlett, you are perfectly fine" Says the doctor which made the patient to stop twisting the Rubik's cube with her hands.

she appeared to have a slight masculine and strong body buffed up by her training ,the atmosphere fell into utter silence all of a sudden it felt like the sweaty summer diapered into cold silence atmosphere.

"Good for me I guess?" She asked while running her hand through her lustrous red hair as she lets out a forced chuckle and continues the process of twisting and fixing of the Rubik's cube.

"Yeah, thanks to your father that he gets you regular health check ups, He must love you a lot he is very precautionary about your well being" Said the doctor.

"Yeah he does after all I am the only child and family he has" She answered with a hint of pride and twisted the Rubik's cube one last time.

"How are you dealing with your phobia? Are you taking the meds on time along with the therapy?" Askes her doctor "Its just fine and I don't need therapy" She says labeling her self with a poker face.

"Scarlett so this whole time you were lying about the therapy which you said you were taking?" Questioned the doctor being concerned about his patience.

"I would rather read fictional books as my therapy than sit in front of some on one and talk to about how I feel" She replies unaffected while twisting the cube "Give me one reason you shouldn't take therapy" He askes "Because I am fine without" She says with duh tone. 

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