2. Tale of A Nyctophobic

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"Bellaaa, you got the wrong algorithm you have to do it all over again" Yells Matteo as he smacks a while pillow over her sister's brunette hair covered head, making her hearing aid almost trip out of her ear.

 "You don't know how to teach I am not doing it again" Revolted Bella as she hit him back with a pillow.

"When I was your age I already mastered coding without anyone's help and here you don't even know what is an Array even after repeating it so several times" Matteo starts hitting her with the pillow multiple times. 

"No you said it was an arithmetic operator" her hands moving aggressively as she defend herself  to deliver her message as she dramatically wails. 

"Its a total different thing leave it, you're just too dumb" He yells out in frustration as he keeps hammering the pillow over her head, Her glaring eyes tearing up due to frustration as she eyed the coding she attempted and miserably failed. 

"You're gonna pay for it, Matt" She warns as she wipes her tears with back of her hand and starts throwing multiple combs of punches over her older brother now the war from chair have moved to the middle of the room the scene resembled one of the WWF matches. 

"You little Demon, die, die" Chants her brother as he use the pillow as shield from her counter attack as he knuckles her head while making use of his height. 

"Why would I die I wouldn't let you have the property all to yourself, you die Satan, die, die" Says her sign language as she jumps and pulls his hair practically making him feel they are getting ripped out of his scalp.

"Ughh MAA" Cries out Matteo in pain of losing his hair as Bella immediately swipes her hand back and take a step back, as Matteo rubs his scalp while wailing out the pain "Sacred now huh?" He glares. 

"Go back to your seat and start over" He orders, Bella beings to cry out loud as she collapses on his bed while throwing punches and kicking out legs of irritation in the air, Matteo closes his eyes as he take in a long breath and exhale it out telling himself to calm down. 

"You little snitch, fuck off" She continues to bawl her eye out, his brothers eyes stuck out in horror. 

"Bella did you just curse? where did you learn that from, brat?, you're so dead" Says Matteo as he chases his little sister to teach her some manners.

"I learnt it from you, don't you remember cursing out lout while playing those stupid games" says her sign language trying its best to save her. 

"Its because of Maa and Papa are going easy on you, pampering you so I will be a responsible brother and knock some manners in you". 

Says Matteo huffing as he chase her sister "I am not a kid anymore I will be turning seventeen soon" She argues, after hours of fight and bricking Bella finally packed up and left her brother's room. Matteo walks out of his room while unrolling his arms and stretching  his limbs making his way to Scarlet's house but witness his father sitting at the diner pouring himself a drink. 

"So its already May how many kills last month?" Asks his father as he slurps his drink, Matteo stands in silence his head down. 

"Nine" he mutters, the glencarin glass in his father's hand collided the space right next to Matteo.

"Nine? at this point Bella can overpower you" Spits his father. 

"Papa, Killing is unnecessary especially killing their whole family just because one of them were at fault" Matteo fortifies himself while recalling the pitiful five year old child he had to kill under his father's command.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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