The Love God-Part One

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(AN; Sorry this took awhile, my country has been suffering from frequent power outages lately, and it's been pretty hard.)


Bill groggily opened his eyes, awoken by the sound of his brother's voice downstairs. What was going on with him this time? The blond sighed, and got up from the bed before making his way out of the attic.

A moment later, he arrived in the living room to see Will crouching under a table, seemingly looking for something.

"Will, what are you doing?" Bill questioned.

Will's head shot up in surprise, and he ended up knocking his head on the edge of the table. "Ow..." He groaned, rubbing his head.

Bill would have felt sorry for him, if not for the fact Will woke him up in the brink of morning. Will stood up, looking quite worried.

"I was going to give Gompers his breakfast," Will explained. "But when I came into the kitchen, he didn't show up."

"That's it?" Bill remarked. "He's properly somewhere else in the shack."

"But I looked everywhere for him," His brother insisted. "And Gompers never misses a meal, I'm starting to worry something bad might have happened to him."

Bill had a hard time believing that, he was pretty sure nothing could leave a scratch on that goat. If anything, there was more of a reason to fear Gompers, than there was for him to fear anything else.

Still, when he looked at his brother's face, Bill sympathised with him. As demonic as Gompers was, he was important to Will, being his first pet and all.

Bill placed a gentle hand on Will's shoulder. "It's going to be okay, Will," He assured. "Gompers properly took a stroll somewhere, he'll properly come back in no time."

Will's eyes widened. "But, what about predators—"

"Gompers survived a dinosaur attack," Bill said. "I'm sure he'll be fine."

Will still looked worried, but his shoulders relaxed a bit. "Alright."

"Good," The blond said. "How about you distract yourself in the meantime? Have you checked if Burning Tree is awake yet?"

Immediately, Will's whole demeanour changed. He tensed up, and fiddled with his fingers nervously. "How about you check up on him?"

Bill narrowed his eyes. "Will, we already decided the schedule yesterday, you're supposed to check on him first."

"I've never agreed to that schedule!"

"Too bad, too sad," Bill said, sarcastically. "Why are you so against seeing him? You think it might get awkward since you two used be—"

"No!" Will yelled, in a cracked voice, his face red. "I-I just don't know how he would react, with no memories of his past self, what if he freaks out?"

"He won't freak out, unless you give him a reason to freak out," The blond said. "So for our sake, please keep your anxiety level to a minimum."

"I will keep my anxiety level to it's normal amount!" Will protested.

Bill rolled his eyes. "Whatever, just get it over with and check on him already."

Will looked like he wanted to protest, but sighed. "Fine." Then, he made his way down the hallway.

The blue haired boy soon arrived at the door to the guest room, his heart beating faster. Shakily, he reached for the knob. Why was he so worried? He knew Mason as a person, and the man was kind and gentle. Surely, his kid self wouldn't be that different, right?

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